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  1. G

    Megamod 2.35 technical issues and suggestions

    Hm i like 800x600 16bit its just perfect nothing to small or big and i had to change rendering mode from 4 to 0 too...but why? mode 4 is dx9 right? and i got support for 10.1 so no idea why it dont work...
  2. G

    Stalker: Call of Pripyat

    Seriously its not bad but only if you play it once i finished SOC...but Clear Sky i stoped in middle... About Stalker what pissed me? well first there were promises and then they cut out most of the content from game best example is area player can move its small and it was suppose to be very...
  3. G

    Maybe a way to Convert Fallout 1 and 2 Loyalists to Fallout3

    It eats too much space....just my opinion...
  4. G

    MIB88 MegaMod 2.35.2 released

    Works thanks MIB88 you great :) Still in right down corner of start screen it says 2.35.1 :) i got it from here good version?
  5. G

    MIB88 MegaMod 2.35.2 released

    OK guys something wrong with this version i cant play it i get error message "Failure initialazing input devices" when i click f2.exe... Version 2.35.0 works i wait for 2.35.2 from MIB88 at least his uploads work... Any one got same problem with 2.35.2?
  6. G

    MIB88 MegaMod 2.35.2 released

    @JaW yes IE did work for some reason it dident work earlier :) "save games shouldn't be affected" so thats maybe... Any idea why i get error message? like i said mm2.35 works fine... Only other mod i use i resolution patch 2.1
  7. G

    MIB88 MegaMod 2.35.2 released

    Well i try this patch and i cant run game at all :) i get message "Failure initialazing input devices" this only happens after the patch... I think i wait for MIB88 comment on this patch... Edit: If i patch it later savegames will be ok?
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    MIB88 MegaMod 2.35.2 released

    First thanks for this great mod... Same thing here i cant download it says file is not there...i try both links... Edit: To people who cant download this link works in Opera no idea why IE dident work...and i...
  9. G

    What exactly is the point of slavery in Fallout 3?

    What insults? where? show me where i insulted you... Any way i see maybe i was wrong maybe your are like Dexter...
  10. G

    Project FOMTOM

    Its not that hard once you find buttons copy & paste :)
  11. G


    Thats would look like plasma minigun...
  12. G

    VATS Overhaul

    Well im preaty sure he would love to see slow people whine they cant aim wheres the pauze button :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. G

    What exactly is the point of slavery in Fallout 3?

    Thats was suppose to be a secret :lol: And secound your not worthy of nick Dexter Morgan so maybe change it...
  14. G

    Fallout 3's commercial success

    Well i live in Poland so if i can buy avarage PC so can you unless moms buy your everything...and my PC was only 450$ your argument is stupid... Secound JooWood ok but for example Gothic 3 is buggy Gothic 2 is older they did fine in old days so you argument is out of date...use new...
  15. G

    Fallout 3, Bioshock: Videogames or not?

    Yee right you were on neutral status like other members of happy world of Fallout like slayers vs rangers bos vs enclave raiders vs everyone else...yep theres no good or evil only colors of gray...
  16. G

    Fallout 3's commercial success

    Still its wired i mean Fallout 3 fails in story line and in gameplay to old grumy members but its not bugged you got to admit it... Idident have any crash and i can play on full details most games released now are unplayable until you see at least 3 patches or more... So generaly speaking...
  17. G

    Arkansas... wtf is Arkansas?

    Jericho can use sniper rifle...but he works on script with range of assult rifle... Also snipers like those in f3 are scipted they shot in cars and thats about it when he try to aim at you you shot him in the face becouse moron shoted at cars...
  18. G

    Dog armor

    If you get answear post it :) still send them this nice dog in skirt picture... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. G


    Only particle damn i was thinking you want whole physics for flame well in this case its possible...
  20. G

    Project FOMTOM

    Common maybe hes a no life and he can do it show him some love and support... GO GO Yoshee :clap: