VATS Overhaul


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Now I ain't no modder nor do I have a team, but I just wanted to post this idea I have on how VATS could be better. To make it more Fallout, I would disable shooting outside of Vats and let enemies use VATS as well. Also, I would implement something turn-like:

Let's do it like this:

1) Reduce the number of enemies in the world (shouldn't be too hard to delete some NPCs), so you won't have to fight millions of Super Orcs and Raiders. Reduce aggresivnes of animals

2) When the combat starts, the time freezes, VATS is opened and you can:
a) Queue your shots for the cost of AP
b) Access inventory, do some stuff (except changing armor).
c) Do nothing and press the "DO NOTHING" button and move in real-time for a few seconds. The only thing you can do is move, you can't access inventory or shoot until the breake time is over.

3) During your turn the enemy doesn't move, shoot etc. When you're done (doing any of the previous actions ends your turn), your character freezes and the enemy can do the same stuff as you do. This would be the most difficult to achieve I think, because lots of scripting would be required.

4) After your enemy is finished with his actions, there is a brief time (5 seconds for example) in real-time, during which AP recovers and you can only move (no other actions).

This would work the same for combating more than one enemy - each would have his turn. This would also need implementing the "Initiative" stat from previous games.

So - what do you people think? Is anyone capable of pulling this off?
It would be a great idea to completely remove the V.A.T.S. system at all. I play the game for the second time and I can't figure out what is good for. I have the guns, I have the skill and I want to shoot the enemies into pieces. V.A.T.S. is completely BULLS....
archer said:
It would be a great idea to completely remove the V.A.T.S. system at all. I play the game for the second time and I can't figure out what is good for. I have the guns, I have the skill and I want to shoot the enemies into pieces. V.A.T.S. is completely BULLS....

If that's the way you feel, go back to playing Half-Life, or S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or any other number of FPS games that give you what you're obviously after. The rest of us want to play Fallout, however.
I like HL2, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. and other games with more or less RPG portions. I personnaly really hate pure RPGs, this pure click-here click-there games but it's okay for those who like it. In newer times I switched from pure shooters to games with more RPG portions and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was the first of them that I not only played but did some modding/ modelling/ customizing. And I think Fallout 3 is one of the games I wish to become a G.O.T.Y. prize because it is REALLY great. But in all the games I played I didn't find something almost crackbrained than V.A.T.S. Sorry, but when a game like Fallout 3 has such big amount of shooter portion then I cannot figure out the sense of V.A.T.S. The ony two pros of it is the SloMo and the money I get for selling the jets. And I love to shoot my enemies into pieces by my own hand. Lets rock, not v.a.t.s.

I dont really see the point of removing v.a.t.s if u dont like it dont press "V" pure and simple solution :)
Make sure that you make the % to hit affected by player skill. That really irked me while playing. When I am an expert sniper, I should be able to hit heads with a 95% to hit very far away.
mrowa said:
I dont really see the point of removing v.a.t.s if u dont like it dont press "V" pure and simple solution :)

Well im preaty sure he would love to see slow people whine they cant aim wheres the pauze button :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well removing vats is similar request of some guy that did the topic about removing console button because it would make him unable to cheat or something similar.....
Lol, I love people can't resist cheating and ask for mods to make it unavailable. Same with the hacking minigame, they complain about its ease saying "just hack three times and then exit and repeat". With quicksaving you can do the same thing for ANYTHING in the game!

I personally play my own version of Ironman rules (unless I'm doing research like I am now). I love to play the game with the suspense that the next step may be my last. Not that such is necessary to enjoy the game, but if there is something you really think is exploitable in the game, avoid it! For instance, don't get the Behemoth stuck on a building and knife it to death because you know the exact point to take under cover. Although that is cheesy that it can even happen!

Exploit and power gaming are so boring, but it seems the way the world is going what with MMOs and such.
Uh...guys...stick to the topic please? It's about making VATS better, not if to remove it or not.
I like the idea of implementing proper turn-based combat.

As for the whole "make it like Half-Life" thing, archer, you're playing the wrong series of games.

I may not like what Bethesda have done with the series but it's still and RPG.
I would like to know on how to stop the bloody vats from Crashing the Game! THEN i will get into the modding mood.....the bloody game always crashes even if i am in a small room e.g megaton mens toilets! its getting on my nerves...i got GeForce 9500GT and well that changes it alot but stil the game crashes! How do you dudes deal with it?
ZombieUK said:
I would like to know on how to stop the bloody vats from Crashing the Game! THEN i will get into the modding mood.....the bloody game always crashes even if i am in a small room e.g megaton mens toilets! its getting on my nerves...i got GeForce 9500GT and well that changes it alot but stil the game crashes! How do you dudes deal with it?

have you tried disabling depth of field, anti-aliasing, and motion blur?