Search results

  1. dopezilla

    ESRB and Censorship: The bane of Fallout

    Oh, yeah. Wow. How could I forget? Just goes to show how memorable the game was. Or how terrible my memory is. Probably the latter. Gonna google me some information on that. Seriously, they censored Anne Frank's diary? That's insane. Edit: so far google tells me Otto Frank was the one who...
  2. dopezilla

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    Eh. The concept 'sympathy Oscar' doesn't sit right with me.
  3. dopezilla

    XCOM 2 vs. Fallout 4: How to not alienate your fan base

    Yeah, I haven't actually played F4 yet, so I can't really compare the two. I've read enough, though.
  4. dopezilla

    XCOM 2 vs. Fallout 4: How to not alienate your fan base

    Wait, what? Fallout 3 had depth and role playing?
  5. dopezilla

    ESRB and Censorship: The bane of Fallout

    Who is behind rating and censoring media in America anyway? I feel like conservative forces have a tight grip on the entertainment industry there. I grew up in the Netherlands, and I've seen my first titties on television when I was eight years old, and it was a children's programme too (some...
  6. dopezilla

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    The Revenant works as a simple survival/revenge flick. Don't expect a deep narrative or anything, just go with it. It does what it does pretty well, and it's pretty to look at too. It's pretty straightforward. It's simple fun. Pretty sure DiCaprio isn't going to win any oscars, though. Also...
  7. dopezilla

    Error loading game! unable to load game. HELP!!!

    Always keep multiple saves. Savegames get corrupted pretty easily in Fallout. Even when taking care to save a lot it can still happen.
  8. dopezilla

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Oh yeah, there's no way I could get past that Dragon in the Endless Paths, and that's not even the final boss or whatever. Btw I'm level six at the moment, I don't know what level I should be for that fight. I might just be bad, or I might just be too low level. I really don't know. I should...
  9. dopezilla

    Morrowind thread!

    Is there even an active modding community left for Morrowind? I mean, the game is fifteen years old and most modders have moved on to Skyrim, right?
  10. dopezilla

    Morrowind thread!

    Hehehe, so many games to play. I know man.
  11. dopezilla

    "Isometric turn-based games cannot have good graphics"

    Oh yeah, outside NMA. I forget.
  12. dopezilla

    Morrowind thread!

    Rise of House Telvanni is the mod you're looking for. As well as Uvirith's Legacy for your stronghold. There is a compatability patch available too. Also, somewhere in this thread there's a top 10 quest mods youtube link, watch it, and download all of those mods. :D
  13. dopezilla

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Haha, those Shades and their Shadows were a pest, until I discovered how they actually worked. Wow. Lots of frustration has been had. I'm playing on normal, at the moment, but I might switch to hard. Some fights are a bit annoying, but never really life threatening. I do have trouble keeping my...
  14. dopezilla

    Unexpected Hardware Development (NSFW)

    This isn't something I'd try. I've never understood sex gadgets for men anyway. Why would I buy a fleshlight or this monstrosity when I have perfectly capable hands?
  15. dopezilla

    The Ultimate Movie Thread of Ultimate Destiny

    I saw The Revenant the other day. Enjoyed it a lot. Not a lot of substance, but nice nonetheless. Aesthetically very pleasing. Liked Fitzgerald a lot. Gonna see The Hateful Eight tonight. Pretty stoked...
  16. dopezilla

    Morrowind thread!

    Yeah, Oblivion and Skyrim messed up the blades big time. I like Hlaalu as well. Corrupt little devils. Never felt much for House Redoran, though.
  17. dopezilla

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Yeah, Pillars of Eternity is hella nice. Really falling for the universe they've created. Each and every quest so far has been pretty epic, and I'm still nowhere near the end of the game I think. I'm still sort of figuring out what works best against what foes, but I'll get there. Combat is not...
  18. dopezilla

    Morrowind thread!

    Probably House Telvanni. Mad wizards yo. Thieves Guild and Morag Tong are pretty sweet as well.
  19. dopezilla

    Morrowind thread!

    I know right. I just went with the 12 mods mentioned in the youtube video somewhere in this thread. I'm sure if I've exhausted those I'll add some more. Haven't been playing a lot of Morrowind lately, though. I'll get back to it, though.