Irwin John Finster
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

It looks like XCOM 2 is indeed the sequel everyone wanted, instead of another XCOM: Bureau Declassified debacle. It represents improvements on the previous games without trying to turn XCOM into another kind of game altogether and selling a game that resembles XCOM in name and appearance alone, in order to sell to people who never liked XCOM to begin with (which would be the exact way to alienate your fan base). I have collected some Critic Reviews from Metacritic here to compare the two:
The XCOM 2 reviews compared to the Fallout 4 reviews (actual critic reviews, not user score) are a hilarious comparison. Here are excerpts from the XCOM 2 Critic Reviews:
"XCOM 2 is exactly what the fans of XCOM were expecting." - Why couldn't this be the case for Fallout 4?! :'-(
"XCOM 2 is a perfect example of how iteration should work for games: it takes a great original, fixes and streamlines the problems, and doubles-down in unexpected areas"
"XCOM 2 improves on its predecessor in almost every way, "
"XCOM 2 is a perfect sequel to Enemy Unknown."
Now compare to Fallout 4's Critic Reviews, including:
"Fallout 4 is an OK game if you treat it as an open-world first-person shooter."
"This isn’t the step forward I expected"
"Fallout 4 is a really decent game that (unfortunately) dismisses all the good and important things set up by its great predecessors."
In other words, it looks like XCOM fans will be very pleased with XCOM 2 (including me). Sad that Fallout 4 is exactly the game most fans did NOT expect and is essentially the XCOM: Bureau Declassified of the Fallout series.
The XCOM 2 reviews compared to the Fallout 4 reviews (actual critic reviews, not user score) are a hilarious comparison. Here are excerpts from the XCOM 2 Critic Reviews:
"XCOM 2 is exactly what the fans of XCOM were expecting." - Why couldn't this be the case for Fallout 4?! :'-(
"XCOM 2 is a perfect example of how iteration should work for games: it takes a great original, fixes and streamlines the problems, and doubles-down in unexpected areas"
"XCOM 2 improves on its predecessor in almost every way, "
"XCOM 2 is a perfect sequel to Enemy Unknown."
Now compare to Fallout 4's Critic Reviews, including:
"Fallout 4 is an OK game if you treat it as an open-world first-person shooter."
"This isn’t the step forward I expected"
"Fallout 4 is a really decent game that (unfortunately) dismisses all the good and important things set up by its great predecessors."
In other words, it looks like XCOM fans will be very pleased with XCOM 2 (including me). Sad that Fallout 4 is exactly the game most fans did NOT expect and is essentially the XCOM: Bureau Declassified of the Fallout series.