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    The Van Buren Project Wants Your Vote!

    As an evolution of armor, I think the designs mostly work. I had thought about that as an intention earlier, given the numbering. Are you guys also planning on doing purely industrial designs?
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    The Van Buren Project Wants Your Vote!

    I hope you don't take the critique too hard; I don't mean to bust the artists' chops. I just think the ergonomics of the suits should be thought about a bit more. For initial concepts, they aren't bad. I'd guess that the guys drawing them have never had to wear body armor. I have, so I tend...
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    Leaked pics of Fallout 4s design documents

    I was expecting crayons.
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    The Van Buren Project Wants Your Vote!

    To be honest, I'm not really a fan of any of them. The T-38 and -39 variants look like they have fixed (immobile) helmets, which would be really impractical. The T-40 screams "stormtrooper" to me. The T-38b, -38c, -40, -41a, and -44 variants look like they have solid abdomen plates which...
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    Fallout 4 DLC revealed

    The skin on the dinosaur thing reminds me of Gila (pronounced heel-la) monsters.
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    What did you guys think about the Shadowrun Returns games?

    I tried a few fan modules after I finished SRR, but the few that had sounded interesting turned out to be variations on "moar drugz 'n whores" mods.
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    Greatest video game sound tracks

    I Ooh, that reminds me how much I enjoyed the Baba Yetu theme from Civ IV.
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    What did you guys think about the Shadowrun Returns games?

    I've played SRR and Dragonfall. I have the Hong Kong campaign, but I haven't gotten around to installing it yet. The atmosphere was perfect: dark, dystopian, and full of morally ambiguous choices. The music was great. I was unenthusiastic about their translation of the PnP game rules to...
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    Fallout 4 - Far Harbor Official Trailer

    Nick has a brother he didn't know about.... Great, is he the evil twin, like Data and Lore from ST:NG?
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    Greatest video game sound tracks

    I still find myself humming the theme from Titan Quest, even though it's been several years since I last played it. I always found the main Ultima Online theme to be haunting. It's a shame they never really did a full orchestral rendition of it.
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    Fixing Big Town and Little Lamplight

    The biggest problem with Little Lamplight/ Big Town is where do the kids come from? It's been 200 years since the bombs fell. Do the adults in Big Town drop their kids off at the caves to be raised by the other rug rats? Is LL some sort of wasteland orphanage, with people dropping off...
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    Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop Official Trailer

    They won't add underwater fighting. They'd have to make weapons work underwater first.
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    What 5 games would you like to be officially remastered?

    BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks' Inception Mechwarrior II Mechwarrior III Twilight: 2000 Lords of the Realm (I) All preferably released on GOG.
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    1 thing I hate about Fallout 4

    Meh... To hate, I would have to care. Nevermind that I don't have to hate someone to disagree with them.
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    Are the Originals... Overrated?

    Nope, they are not overrated. The graphics and gameplay were comparable to Baldur's Gate. They weren't perfect, either. The story was well written enough that I felt engaged by it; shooting stuff wasn't the primary draw of the game. There were plenty of enjoyable moments... like when you...
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    [Serious] Fallout 4 DLC Ideas

    Fallout: Tokyo- shoguns, ninjas, and Gojira.
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    I don't think Legendary weapons should be in the game.

    At least that would give a reason for all the magic items in the game.
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    "Fallout" developed by CD Projekt Red?

    That looks like something I'll want to play.
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    Fallout 4 Automatron Trailer

    I think somebody's been watching too much Junk Wars.
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    Poll: Would you buy Fallout 5?

    I voted no, but if the post-release reviews show that they actually made a FO:NV quality game, I'd get it when it hits the all-DLC-included sale.