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  1. B

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    Huh.... I completely missed that reference when I played NV. I didn't play FO3 until long after I finished FONV.
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    Update 1.3 Lies

    I've pretty much been going with the "don't restart" fix. Prior to today, I hadn't tried playing since 08Dec. Today, I spent more time watching the startup screens stutter than I did finding out the workstation inventory was broken. The game is too boring to suffer through a new game.
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    Update 1.3 Lies

    Just tried playing FO4 again since the new patch was released, but now it's worse than it was before. I now see what people were complaining about with the framerate problems, and the game still crashes to the desktop when I try to access the workshop inventory in Covenant. Ugh. Maybe the 1.5...
  4. B

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    Do you mean the plasma caster? Plasma /turbo plasma rifles were in both FO1 and 2. The Wattz 2000 laser rifle model was just a slightly modified version of the sniper rifle model.
  5. B

    If the Great War was fought without nuclear weapons?

    Not likely, considering that chemical warfare was first practiced in WWI with chlorine gas and biological warfare dates all the way back to the Classical era. Granted, the bio warfare of the ancients was on the primitive side and they didn't understand why it spread disease, but even in the...
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    If the Great War was fought without nuclear weapons?

    There's a fair amount of work, but guys with slide rules figured it out in the 50's and 60's when we introduced reentry vehicles for the space program (and later MIRV warheads).
  7. B

    Bethesda announces another E3 press conference

    Dunno about no bad reviews.... This one was fairly scathing when you consider that he accused the game of being boring. ( )
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    Update 1.3 Lies

    I would've preferred they fixed the copper problem by balancing the resource requirements. One light bulb should not use as much copper as ten feet of power line.
  9. B

    If the Great War was fought without nuclear weapons?

    What do you mean by researching it? It was part of the research that went into the old Star Wars anti-ICBM program, it's part of the research into real-world electromagnetic guns and hyper-velocity missiles, and it's part of astrophysics research in the form of meteorites. Kinetic warheads...
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    Best/worst voice actor

    The protagonist would have been much more entertaining if they had selected R. Lee Ermey as the voice actor.
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    Chain that Binds

    It makes plenty of sense in the context of a military organization. The proper term is "delegation of authority." Having an LT or company commander direct each private in the organization is inefficient. If you don't trust your subordinates and / or can prove that they are incompetent or...
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    Standard weapons for the U.S Army pre-war?

    For what it's worth, the car in FO:2 was powered by microfusion cells, not an on-board fission reactor.
  13. B

    After the ending... What is there to do?

    Why wouldn't the ghouls know about Hawaii? They were around before the war started. I always figgered they were going into space, though.
  14. B

    Standard weapons for the U.S Army pre-war?

    It could, although on a full-on war footing, most of the units left in CONUS would probably be training units for new recruits (who would get sent piecemeal out to deployed units as required), high-level command staff that won't see combat unless their duty station is invaded unexpectedly, or...
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    Standard weapons for the U.S Army pre-war?

    Yep. Continental United States vs. Outside Continental United States.
  16. B

    A couple of choice shares about Fallout 4 on Reddit

    Diablo II had a better skill tree.
  17. B

    Can we honestly say Fallout 4 is better than Fallout 3?

    Given that Bethesda is particularly proud of the Pipboy app for smartphones, you may not be too far off here. Heh. That's the best line I've read all day.
  18. B

    A Single Bethesdaverse?

    Sorry I missed this. In M&M, the worlds are either habitats on a space ship or planets seeded by spacefarers. Most of the inhabitants of each biosphere are unaware of this and live life in a magical fantasy medieval setting. Go to the right places and talk to the right people, however, and...
  19. B

    Giantbomb: FO4 is the third most disappointing game of 2015

    The best review I read for the game was the one from the International Business Times. Although there is a video, the author also wrote a fairly lengthy review which essentially accused the game of being boring. I should've gone by his review instead of wanting to believe that FO:4 would be...
  20. B

    NCR-Brotherhood War - possible outcomes.

    Side question- who states, or where is it stated, in-game that the BOS destroyed NCR's gold reserves? I never came across that in any play through, and the wiki mention that I found doesn't give a reference.