So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

Considering NV, Obsidian would most likely have to follow Beths lead on canon, especially with weapons.
I'm not debating what is or should be canon.It is, but only in Beth literation of Fallout.
But not form original developers.
um... No. No it doesn't. If memory serves, energy weapons (especially lasers) were supposedly fragile. I think it had something to do with lens or a crystal array or something, but laser weapons weren't particularly hardy. Even if they aren't any more fragile than conventional firearms, they've got to be a lot more expensive, considering that microfusion cells are probably using uranium, which is in much shorter supply than lead, copper and iron, not to mention the complex electronics being put into the guns themselves.
For America to field such a large army without breaking the bank, they'd probably wind up using more traditional firearms and leave the advanced tech for the special forces and heavy troops.
I'd wager that the Service Rifle and Assault Carbine, as well as the R91, are the standard service weapons of the US armed forces, with the N80 and potentially the AEP-9 as the standard sidearm.
It is possible that the military wanted to phase out standard firearms, but it's still rather impractical. Then again, this is the same government that spend trillions and trillions of dollars on over 100 oversized death traps, so perhaps money wasn't an issue.
EDIT: I said AEP-9. I actually mean AEP-7, but I was confused because Bethesda did a dumb and fused the AER-9 and AEP-7 into one weapon. Damn it, Bethesda.
For what it's worth, the car in FO:2 was powered by microfusion cells, not an on-board fission reactor.