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  1. B

    Can we honestly say Fallout 4 is better than Fallout 3?

    Unless you thought FO:3 was far too sophisticated and immersive, no, FO:4 is not better.
  2. B

    Weapons in Fallout 4?

    I can personally attest that this is not correct. When I was in Iraq, we were shooting .50BMG that was made in the 1940's ('43 or '45, IIRC). Well-made cartridges will last a long time as long as they are kept from corroding so much that the casing falls apart. 200 years is still probably...
  3. B

    If you had to choose TWO things Fallout 4 did RIGHT, what would they be?

    Yeah, if only Baldur's Gate had had a perks system, Black Isle might've been able to make some sequels. Oh, what might have been with an Icewind Dale or Neverwinter Nights game.
  4. B

    New here, and may I just ask a stupid question for once?

    It's boring. If'n ya want more than that, read some of the other threads.
  5. B

    Ridiculous moments in Fallout 4

    I think the current feral ghouls must have been inspired by the original Robocop movie, particularly that scene where one of the bad guys falls into a puddle of radioactive goo and starts to melt.
  6. B

    Goodsprings is a real place, apparently

    I don't think they scaled the dam down by much; walking across it in game felt much like walking across it in real life. The Colorado is not a large river by most standards, just in comparison to the other rivers we have here in the southwest. The Gila river that runs though the middle of...
  7. B

    Can we all agree Bethesda did power armor right?

    That Institute PA looks like the heavy suits from
  8. B

    Why are battles so small?

    I find that really hard to believe. Maybe it's because Steam is installed in the (x86) program folder on my machine so it gets treated like a 32-bit application. When I was running a monitor, FO4 never used more than ~3GB of system memory and ~2GB of VRAM, even though I have 16GB of the former...
  9. B

    Would you have supported renaming the Brahim if ..

    I know I said I was going to add some comments later, but I have nothing to add at this point. Laxite, just because something is offensive to one group doesn't mean everyone else is required to feel offended on their behalf. Different cultures, and their subgroups, value different things. One...
  10. B

    My Power Armor Change Proposal

    That image reminds me of another thing that I dislike about FO:4. The ridiculously inflated prices on all the magazines and advertisements. Was the pre-war US taking economic advice from Zimbabwe and Venezuela, or maybe the Weimar Republic?
  11. B

    Finally uninstalled

    Who ever said ghouls can't? I know FO:NV had ghoul sex mentioned. FO:2 had at least one horny ghoul in Broken hills.
  12. B

    Would you have supported renaming the Brahim if ..

    I understand your question better now. I don't think that it is something that you should take offense at, though. I doubt that the people who named the breed did so out of maliciousness. I would guess (no evidence, just speculation) that since the breed was developed from Indian cattle, they...
  13. B

    A Single Bethesdaverse?

    I'd find this difficult to go for if it hadn't been done before. Who's played the Might and Magic series?
  14. B

    Why are battles so small?

    Maybe it's time for Bethesda to move to a 64-bit system. Aren't the latest consoles 64-bit systems?
  15. B

    Would you have supported renaming the Brahim if ..

    You mean like the various Bishops? Birds of the genus Euplectes in the Weaver family, Ploceidae Black bishop, Euplectes gierowii Black-winged red bishop, Euplectes hordeaceus Fire-fronted bishop, Euplectes diadematus Golden-backed bishop, Euplectes aureus Northern red bishop, Euplectes...
  16. B

    UnderRail released on Steam and GOG

    Why is it hype?
  17. B

    Power Armour changes.

    So since the original authors cannot be wrong... Greedo shot first! :twisted:
  18. B

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    Maybe. Those games do typically require "collecting stuff" as part of the gameplay. That's enough to give it RPG elements in his book.
  19. B

    Fallout 4 does not make sense

    I think he was referring to the fantasy football games being like an RPG. The player is "playing" an entire team rather than an individual character; basically RPG's for jocks. Other than that, I think you're right about his view being kinda off of what I would consider an RPG to be.
  20. B

    Favourite quests in Fallout 4? *spoilers*

    I really liked the Silver Shroud quest. It seemed deeper than the radiant quests, even though in the end it really was just a "go there and kill this" line of missions. The voice acting really made it work (for once).