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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I was thinkin' about getting a Taurus Judge. Anyone know anything about 'em?
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    Recommended Unpopular Games\Bands

    I've always liked Majesty. Granted, it's basically just one big balance problem, but If you can get past THAT...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 I like it.
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    The Alien movies.

    true 'dat. with the exception of mad max 2
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    Is that for Real?!

    I went to school with a kid named Led Zeppelin, I won't divulge his last name, but it inspired me to name my child Jethro Tull when/if I accidentally have one.
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    Not post apoc but...

    that show aired on CBS
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    Not post apoc but...

    ah, touche
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    Not post apoc but...

    Bah! you just don't know what's good!
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    Not post apoc but...

    pure nostalgia, i watched that filmation crap religiously as a kid.
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    Not post apoc but...

    My age is of no consequence to my knowledge of ghostbusting! But, 23.
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    Not post apoc but...

    They use the gorilla for ghostbusting! Duh! Plus, he invented their dematerialzer!
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    Not post apoc but...

    dude, no way. filmations ghostbusters was and IS where it's at!
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    Not post apoc but...

    Is anyone else as excited about THIS being on DVD as I am? This is the best thing ever!
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    Finally! The Electric Car! (that can be taken serious)

    140k? that's a hundred thousand more than I paid for my house. I'm not so sure one of these would really be worth it for me....
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 simple but gets the point across.
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    A New "I Am Legend" Movie

    It's not the meager trailer that leads me to believe it. It's the script that's posted somewhere on the net that manages that.
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    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I've got one of these, mine doesn't have the nifty creedmore sight on it though. Actually, mines got a number of differences, but it's an honest to God Sharps. You can't go no better.
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    1957 Plymouth to Emerge from Tulsa Time Capsule

    I like where that was going, but the premise behind it needs to be cornier. Let's say you meet a ghoul at some point who offers you a quest to find his 'buried treasure.' After accepting (as opposed to a dialog option saying, "I've heard this one before, first you'll need a bottle of rotgut, a...
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    A New "I Am Legend" Movie

    I honestly have no idea how to answer that...
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    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 I don't even get an extra point or two for making it myself?