A New "I Am Legend" Movie

I can understand why Hollowood wants to make a (new) re-make of thos movie - to earn (big) bucks. What I don't understand is why is has to be a [censored] action movie??

As I understand it, the book is about survivalism, horror etc. --- not a about fighting through a horde of vampires...
What in that meager trailer leads you to believe that there will be hordes of vampires? Rein in the conjecture impulse!
citizenkhan said:
What in that meager trailer leads you to believe that there will be hordes of vampires? Rein in the conjecture impulse!

There's one surviving human, and everything else that's still walking is a vampire. How many vampires do you think there are, 3 or 4 maybe? And how many constitute a horde anyway? If you're talking in comparative terms to the one surviving human then 50 could be a horde, although I'd be surprised if there weren't a lot more than 50 vampires walking around in the movie. Will's going to need to blow up lots of "stuff" to keep all the action junkies happy.

If this is anything like I, Robot then this movie will suck. Will Smith has been badly miscast (again) in this role. This is not meant to be a movie about a smart arsed action hero blowing vampires away whilst dropping witty one-liners, it's meant to be a story about a depressed alcoholic trying to survive in a world gone crazy. He's meant to be middle aged, dejected, normal (as in not a hero) and losing a grip on reality, which is what you'd expect under the circumstances. The Omega Man didn't follow the book in every way, but Charlton Heston portrayed main the part very well. All we need now is for Willy to make a rap song to go along with the movie. :(

Mick1965 said:
If this is anything like I, Robot then this movie will suck. Will Smith has been badly miscast (again) in this role. This is not meant to be a movie about a smart arsed action hero blowing vampires away whilst dropping witty one-liners, it's meant to be a story about a depressed alcoholic trying to survive in a world gone crazy. He's meant to be middle aged, dejected, normal (as in not a hero) and losing a grip on reality, which is what you'd expect under the circumstances. The Omega Man didn't follow the book in every way, but Charlton Heston portrayed main the part very well. All we need now is for Willy to make a rap song to go along with the movie. :(


I completely agree with you. In fact, I'm still slightly pissed that Will Smith ruined one of Isaac Asimov's works. He's going to most likely ruin this movie as well, and to be completely honest - when I first saw the opening scene of the ruined city; I gasped. The first impulse that went through my mind was "YES! A POST APOC MOVIE!"

But yeah, so much for that. :(
Why?! that is still my favorite book of all time... Omega man was AMAZING (not like the book... but whatever)... why are they doing this?!
citizenkhan said:
What in that meager trailer leads you to believe that there will be hordes of vampires? Rein in the conjecture impulse!

It's not the meager trailer that leads me to believe it. It's the script that's posted somewhere on the net that manages that.
DoughboyJones said:
citizenkhan said:
What in that meager trailer leads you to believe that there will be hordes of vampires? Rein in the conjecture impulse!

It's not the meager trailer that leads me to believe it. It's the script that's posted somewhere on the net that manages that.

No, they actually mention the vampires in the trailer.
DarkLegacy said:
I completely agree with you. In fact, I'm still slightly pissed that Will Smith ruined one of Isaac Asimov's works.

I'm a big fan of Asimov and was really pissed when I, Robot came out. They could have stayed true to the story and made a great movie, but instead they used it as a vehicle to put out yet another mindless action flick.

DoughboyJones said:
It's the script that's posted somewhere on the net...

I'm almost too afraid to ask, but are there many Willy-isms in it? How many times does he say "DAMN!!!"?


Don't if someone posted the trailer before. Looks good the movie.
Shame about the cheap ripoff of the Requiem for a Dream Theme song though.

And Will Smith..well i don't know if he got the profile.

edit: guess somebody already posted it.
Mick1965 said:
I'm almost too afraid to ask, but are there many Willy-isms in it? How many times does he say "DAMN!!!"?

Unfortunately, (but NOT surprisingly) it was absolutely littered with your typical Willy-isms. It totally raped Mathesons masterpiece.

I think the best way I can describe this abomination is through the blog I posted about it:

So my grandma was yelling at me today because my stepdad didn't go over to her house and finish putting up a fence. Granted, I can see how she'd want it done, but yelling at lil' ol' me isn't gettin' it. She's a real the B-word sometimes lemme tell ya.

That still doesn't make me as mad as this new 'I Am Legend' movie coming out next year starring Will Smith as a fast talking, wise crackin', slam dancin', machine gunnin' vampire killer always in and out of shootouts with bloodsuckers accompanied by his trusty canine companion! Just like in the book, except the guy from the book was a very quiet white guy that only had like two guns in the whole book and hid in his house from zombie-like vampires who didn't use guns or do anything but beat on his house with rocks and he only had the dog for like what? A day? Other than that it's a mirror image. Don't get me wrong, the fact that a black guy is portraying Robert Neville is of no consequence, the fact that they violently raped the story and then threw it into a slimy gutter by ripping off a few names, changing everything else and slapping an "I Am Legend" logo on the side, however, does. I don't think I could ever bring myself to destroy that awesome a book for mere money. Money isn't worth that. I weep for the future, namely because the future holds "I Am Legend" starring Will Smith and directed by the guy that did Constantine.......(yet another yellow poop storm that we've seen Hollywood churn out over the past couple of years)*weep weep*
frei said:

haha, I love Preacher.
Hugo Root was an annoying ass, although he was a tough mother fucker.
:P That quote by him always reminded me of the dutch movie "Gay Niggers from Outer Space" though.
yes... thats a real movie.

In any case, not having read the original book, this movie looks neat to me. I happen to be a fan of Will Smiths movies, aside from the fact that they are a tiny bit too... cookie cutter.

That aside, I love me a nice picturesque high budget rendering of post apocalyptic worlds. They always make me giddy to look at. Even if the actual story is crap.
I'm pretty sure The Homega Man is a better interpretation of the source material than what this is going to be...

Besides, how can you beat a line like "Go to Hell Cloaky!"?
Apologies for digging up an old post, but new trailer for I Am Legend is out http://media.movies.ign.com/media/771/771901/vids_1.html

Some spoilers if you haven't read the book or seen the original I Am Legend or Omega Man.

What I like:
The barren overgrown NYC
It seems they expanded Neville's relationship with the dog. The book always disappointed me. It was an important part but seemed to go by so fast. You kinda lose the emotional impact of what eventually happens because it comes so quick.
Vampire zombie mutants are in, only come out at night, and there are lots of them.
Overall has a good atmosphere to it. Hard to tell from a trailer.

What I dislike:
I still don't buy Will Smith in serious roles. Every time I see him I think Fresh Prince and "welcome to erf."
Still don't know if the vampires talk. Dying to hear Cortman (the leader in the book) yell "Come out Neville!"
Did I see a zombie dog? Retarded.
Vampires look too "Blade 2 X-treme version!!"
Will Smith still can't act.
Will Smith

Hey, at least we didn't end up with the shit Schwarzenegger/Stallone team up they had written several years back.
The Omega Man (with it's many shortcomings) had a real feeling of isolation and lonelyness. a man alone against the world. i dont really see that happening with Will Smith acting all cool & retarded (as he always does).

i cant imagine this movie being anywhere as raw as The Omega Man or A Boy And His Dog.
There's a "I am legend" movie?

Anyway, is the "A Boy and his dog" worth a look or is it too "70s/low budget" like "The Omega man" was? I haven't read the book though.

I liked "I am legend" (book), except for the sexual themes, which didn't feel too geniune (and could've been skipped altogether or marginally mentioned, I don't need to know about him jerking off).
A Boy And His Dog is awesome, regardless of the relatively low budget. the scene where he finally finds his first woman in months (or was it years) & the comment he makes when he sees her, that alone is worth watching the movie. the end is also very good, something you dont see in Hollywoodian films anymore.

i bought it on dvd & never regretted it.
Sorry, I was thinking of The Last Man on Earth with Vincent Price. That's as close as you're gonna get to a direct adaptation from the novel.

My favorite scene in A boy and his dog is every time they encounter the glowing radioactive ghouls. That creeped me the fuck out.
I skimmed through it. It seemed pretty crappy. I wish they would make more post apocalyptic movies, but this isn't likely what with the cold war being over and all.