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  1. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Voltron? 3/10 Optimus Prime? 8/10
  2. D

    A New "I Am Legend" Movie

    The more I hear about this feces bomb the angrier I become. I mean, the Omega Man didn't follow the book very well either, but at least it was fun to watch and, you know, KINDA tried to adhere to Matheson's work. I'm just waiting for "To Serve Man" featuring none other that Will Smith. It's...
  3. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    8/10 I like it, but I have no idea why...
  4. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 how can you NOT love a turtle wearing a doughboy helmet and a bow tie? Plus, he's so happy. He made my day.
  5. D

    Paris Hilton checks into Los Angeles County jail

    Not as far as I'm concerned.
  6. D

    Steampunk Beetles

    Man, that's gonna give me nightmares!
  7. D

    A Wanderess.

    I like the determined look on her face, she could stand to be a bit dirtier though.
  8. D

    Into the Wasteland poster

    I like it. It's simple, but there's beauty in simplicity.
  9. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    combine armor? you mean the hazard suit?
  10. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    6/10 this one seems different, better....or maybe i just learned to appreciate it a little more. I dunno.
  11. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    I'm not trying to paint myself as some manner of expert marksman. No, a single shot isn't going to be terribly high on my list, I was simply noting its merit of being simple and reliable. In a PA situation, replacement parts are going to be scarce at best and I've never had a problem with any of...
  12. D

    level with me guys....

    haha, what're you talkin' about 'uncool'? that was the best thing i've ever seen.
  13. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    The biggest thing to consider when it comes to a question like that is "am I going to be able to find ammo?" So, that in mind something in .308 Winchester, .223 Remington, 9mm Luger, .357 magnum/.38 special and 12 gauge would be high on my list. The 12 gauge probably being highest since those...
  14. D

    level with me guys....

    If only that were real, I'd invite you all over and mop the floor with you at it. Though I'm not sure how you'd play the double bellowed one. plus the bass side doesn't show up on the screen, so how would you know which oompah to oomp?
  15. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    But, the armor being cool was the whole point of this discussion. Until someone had to go and ruin it by speculating how feasible power armor actually is. And we all saw where THAT went...
  16. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Ok, I did a little investigating on my own and found a nifty kit for sale, unfortunately it's 400 buckeroos. now accepting donations... It's not quite halfway down the page.
  17. D

    The Guns and Ammo Thread

    Right here baby, If only I could find one...anyone have any insight as to the whereabouts of one of these majestic firearms?
  18. D

    Favorite Power Armor?

    that would rock so hard, I totally hope I live that long.
  19. D

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    9/10 I still feel the same way...