A New "I Am Legend" Movie

VirtualAlex said:
On a side note, I just saw Omega man (never heard of it before) pretty intereting stuff! I have a question about it though, is Matthius the same guy who was on TV preaching before the end?

Yes he was. Matthius was originally a news reporter who survived the plague. :D

This news sux, I loved Last Man on Earth and The Omega Man. I just don't have faith Will Smith living up to the greatness of those movies.

Cheers, Thorgrimm
Well it seems to have all the Hollywood fluff that comes with these movies, but pretty looks aren't everything.

Didn't Vincent Price play in an earlier adaption of the book?
Will Smith kills Sci Fi classics. Case in point- I Robot.
And TV classics too- Wild Wild West.

The guy has done good movies- Six Degrees of Seperation stands out to me. But seriously, does he have to ruin good sci-fi to sell a buck?
welsh said:
Will Smith kills Sci Fi classics. Case in point- I Robot.
And TV classics too- Wild Wild West.

The guy has done good movies- Six Degrees of Seperation stands out to me. But seriously, does he have to ruin good sci-fi to sell a buck?

Wow, I never knew that was a television series, I only ever saw the movie.
And yes, it seems Will Smith is out to destroy science fiction.
Hm. I can't see how this will be better than "The Omega Man" with Charlton Heston.

The imagery is pretty impressive, though. Gotta love those ruined cities.
I predict it will be like die hard 4. Watered down the material added more action sequences but in the end I'm still gonna see it.
A little bastardized, isn't it?

On a side note, is Will Smith the new Charlton Heston?
The more I hear about this feces bomb the angrier I become. I mean, the Omega Man didn't follow the book very well either, but at least it was fun to watch and, you know, KINDA tried to adhere to Matheson's work.

I'm just waiting for "To Serve Man" featuring none other that Will Smith. It's a high flyin', wise crackin', slam dancin', street smartin' action adventure about martian werewolves that are trying to enslave humanity because eating human flesh deadens the pain of being a martian werewolf. Fortunately for mankind, Will Smith has enough guns and one liners to save the day(s)!
DoughboyJones said:
I'm just waiting for "To Serve Man" featuring none other that Will Smith. It's a high flyin', wise crackin', slam dancin', street smartin' action adventure about martian werewolves

[nerd reference] Martian niggers? [/nerd reference]
Tannhauser said:
The trailer.

To everyone's complete surprise, the source material has been utterly pissed on once again.

Well what do you expect? Its Hollywood.

I loved the book "War of the Worlds" and was very excited when I heard they were working on a new movie based on it.
Well we know how that ended.
Anyone see a parallel here between this movie remake/adaptation and what has happened with FO3? An age old classic has been raped and remade into a mindless action-based copy of the original. Seems to be a common theme lately. :(

I don't mind Will Smith, but I don't like seeing him miscast into another shoddy remake.

I think it might be marginally more of a case of stealing old ideas due to lack of imagination, with little intention to cash in on the success of an interesting franchise with some pride.