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  1. WorstUsernameEver

    Another fake Fallout 4 trademark

    Funnily, Kotaku has actually been one of the few places that didn't fall for it.
  2. WorstUsernameEver

    Another fake Fallout 4 trademark

    And yet, you see, Walp, every single time the big websites cover it. I guess that's good because it gives us a chance to say "lol, no, it's very likely a fake", but at the same time this dance is becoming a bit tiring, yeah.
  3. WorstUsernameEver

    Another fake Fallout 4 trademark

    And it's working marketing-wise. There's really no reason for them to change this method, and no, nerds getting mad is not a solid reason to change a business plan. I mean, seriously, we already know they're very likely working on Fallout 4. Is waiting for a teaser trailer really all that...
  4. WorstUsernameEver

    Another fake Fallout 4 trademark

    In short, an application for a "Fallout: Shadow of Boston" trademark has appeared recently on the German Patent and Trade Mark Office's website. The application had already been spotted at the end of October, but started actually being reported today thanks to a NeoGAF thread. Since then, the...
  5. WorstUsernameEver

    Wasteland 2 released!

    More than two decades after the release of the original Wasteland, its sequel, Wasteland 2, developed by the team at inXile, has been released. It can be bought on Steam and on GOG (Classic and Deluxe editions get separate store pages), for $39.99/€39,99/£29.99 and $59.99/€54,99/£44.99...
  6. WorstUsernameEver

    Wasteland 2 releases on September 19th

    Game's canceled unfortunately:
  7. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout related tidbits

    Fixed that problem. I had missed the question mark before the time indication on the video.
  8. WorstUsernameEver

    Fallout related tidbits

    While we wait for the release of Wasteland 2 and any Fallout/post-apocalyptic announcements, I rounded up a couple of Fallout-related tidbits. First of all, crazy YouTuber "Many a True Nerd" has done a full playthrough of Fallout 3 trying to kill every NPC (and knock down the many, many NPCs...
  9. WorstUsernameEver

    Wasteland 2 releases on September 19th

    It looks like Wasteland 2 might have slipped a bit further than the "first two weeks of September" window Brian Fargo gave us, but that's okay given we now have a firm release date, also thanks to Fargo: September 19th. In his words, the 20 year wait has ended: Official Wasteland 2 release...
  10. WorstUsernameEver

    Underrail Dev Log #33: v0.1.12.0 Released

    The extremely promising indie post-apocalyptic RPG Underrail has seen the release of its v0.1.12.0 build on Early Access. What it means, is that owners of the game will finally get the chance to explore Core City, the central location of the game, comparable to Athkatla and Sigil (of Baldur's...
  11. WorstUsernameEver

    Wasteland 2 gets last beta update

    I was under the impression that such a delay would only affect the physical version, but Brother None now is telling me that, were it to happen, it'd also affect the digital versions of the game, so I'm going to edit the post.
  12. WorstUsernameEver

    Wasteland 2 gets last beta update

    The gist of the latest Kickstarter update for Wasteland 2 is that the 5gb update for the beta build of Wasteland 2 that some of you are probably downloading right now contains a plethora of improvements for the game, and is the last milestone before the release of the actual game. As for when it...
  13. WorstUsernameEver

    Interview with Brian Fargo and our very own Brother None on Wasteland 2

    I don't think you're allowed to make fun of them or they'll fire you, sea. :(
  14. WorstUsernameEver

    Interview with Brian Fargo and our very own Brother None on Wasteland 2

    Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eheh eh eh eheheheh eh eh eh eh.
  15. WorstUsernameEver

    Mad Max: Fury Road Comic-con trailer

    Max will certainly feel different given it's not Gibson, but I don't think you can accuse them of pretty boying the character with Hardy. He looked pretty rugged in all the shots we've seen, and frankly Gibson was attractive too when the series started.
  16. WorstUsernameEver

    Mad Max: Fury Road Comic-con trailer

    Also: teal and orange.
  17. WorstUsernameEver

    Mad Max: Fury Road Comic-con trailer

    After a long time in the making, Comic-Con has given us a first proper taste of Mad Max: Fury Road, George Miller's fourth Mad Max film, and first to not have Mel Gibson in the iconic post-apocalyptic role. It looks suitably dusty and gritty, though I just can't reconcile Tom Hardy's face with...
  18. WorstUsernameEver

    No Fallout 4 at GamesCom

    Ahah, even if some of the devs got annoyed at those kind of messages, it would be incredibly stupid to drop a proper PR campaign for the title because of that. Bethesda's PR department isn't stupid, and the BGS guys have been pretty upfront about wanting to do more than one Fallout game. Give it...
  19. WorstUsernameEver

    Texas-based fan-made Fallout game: "Fallout: Lonestar" currently in the works

    It's probably worth it to just contact them pre-emptively. The Nuka Break dudes did that and it worked out fine, though it was a very different kind of project, and in case they're against the idea at least you haven't spent any energy coming up with your Kickstarter. Just my 2 cents.