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  1. J

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Josan12 This is a simple example script. acklint.ssl
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    A new kind of Brahmin...

    This is a good thought. Five points. :D Perk dairymaid. :D :D :D
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Josan12 There is nothing complicated. Make a window through the say function. The response "remove the weapons." When you click to install set_global_var (GVAR_REMOVE_WEAPON, 1); In the scripts to parties, to add to critter_p_proc. if global_var (GVAR_REMOVE_WEAPON) == 1 then...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    brother_soifran To compile the scripts do not necessarily use the FSE. Unpack the archive with the program in any folder. In the same folder, create a file 1.bat And write it so sslc.exe name.ssl In the same folder, create a file 2.bat And write it so int2ssl.exe To...
  5. J

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    red881988 1. Unpack the archive into the game folder. 2. Open the folder F1ToF2Conversion_English 3. Start patcher_nt.exe 4. Start fallout.exe If you need video and озвучка talking heads. Copy or move a file...
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    General Scripting

    Dakcenturi You talk about it? procedure join_party begin set_global_var(GVAR_IAN_STATUS, 2); party_add(self_obj); add_timer_event(self_obj, game_ticks(1), 1); critter_add_trait(self_obj, TRAIT_OBJECT, OBJECT_TEAM_NUM, 0); gsay_message(SCRIPT_IAN, 150, NEUTRAL_REACTION); end
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    Scenery stuff and such...

    I have been watching for your work for NMA. Let me express my admiration. :clap: Continue to work. You are excellent at it. :clap: :ok:
  8. J

    tail does not match

    The problem in completing the script. I opened using winhex 00000000800D8019802A8029800C801C802A8029801C0000 Normal scripts 00000000800D8019802A8029800C801C802A8029801C If you remove a 0000 script decompile ecelron.ssl variable ProtoOfItemGiven...
  9. J

    tail does not match

    Program int2ssl also not been able to decompile. Rather scripts were compiled ipp compiler. It should be in every script, insert the test. procedure destroy_p_proc begin //LEATHER_ARMOR if (obj_art_fid(self_obj) == FID_HMLTHR) then add_obj_to_inven(self_obj...
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Timeslip KLIMaka corrected the error with the imported procedures with arguments. You can make these corrections in sfall? Исправление проблем с временным стеком 5В75А : 89 АС 24 28 01 00 00 -> 89 60 1С 90 90 90 90 Отключение...
  11. J

    Need modders? or a Project? Need / have modding ideas?

    At this point I do not develop the mod. But I have laid out designer. With Designer you can finish the mod. The main part of mod work. Of course there are some bugs and defects. Create mods to mod possible. Sorry for my bad English. Good luck.
  12. J

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Timeslip Elevators with the signatures do not work correctly. Sample. [1] Image=143 - The main type of ID1=13 Elevation1=0 Tile1=20502 ID2=14 Elevation2=0 Tile2=14912 You need to add Caption=150 - The captions to the buttons Description lifts...
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    Worldmap Modification

    Morticia Where to download this map?
  14. J

    Assigning scripts to drugs

    Josan12 procedure use_obj_on_p_proc begin variable skill_doctor; variable heal; skill_doctor := has_skill(dude_obj, SKILL_DOCTOR); /* PID_STIMPAK PID_FIRST_AID_KIT PID_RADAWAY PID_ANTIDOTE PID_MENTATS PID_MUTATED_FRUIT PID_BUFFOUT...
  15. J

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Timeslip And whether it is possible to increase the length of the file name? The maximum length of 8 characters. I would particularly like to enlarge the names of scripts.
  16. J

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I use compile.exe 1.41b. Script procedure start; procedure start begin if (get_active_hand == 0) then begin end end Log Microsoft Windows XP [Версия 5.1.2600] (С) Корпорация Майкрософт, 1985-2001. E:\CD\Евгений\fallout\int2ssl\7>1...
  17. J

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Timeslip Thank you very much! Functions set_sfall_global (string varname, int/float value) get_sfall_global_int (string varname) get_sfall_global_float (string varname) get_ini_setting (char* setting) get_ini_string (char* setting) Support a word from 8 letters. Whether...
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    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real The mod works. But there are bugs. Now I can not finish the mod. So I laid out the constructor. If someone wants to finish a mod. The archive is all you need.
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    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Hi Timeslip get_ini_setting(char* setting) Sample get_ini_setting("config.ini|acklint|item") [ACKLINT] Item=6 Code add_obj_to_inven(dude_obj, create_object_sid(get_ini_setting("config.ini|ACKLINT|Item"), -1, -1, -1)); This works You can add one function...
  20. J

    Fallout 1 mod FO1 to FO2 conversion, for real

    Here is a designer, it can collect different versions of the mod. Instruction Current Fashion Russian version translated 1C Russian version translated fargus German version Polish version French version English version Now that would gather...