A new kind of Brahmin...


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Gronichonha !
I've accomplished todau a great old dream.
Be able to give more interactivity to my favorit game.
First, thanks to COntinuum for is design help ( the buckets are of him ;) ) .
I've create a script to be able to milk a brahmin ;)
I explain.
The dude is able to use a empty continuum's bucket on a brahmin and have at the place a empty one full of brahmin's milk.
It's just the start point of more interactivity on the wasteland.
My next challenge 'll be to create craftwork, using this discovery.
Here is the video.


Brother Soifran

<div><embed src="http://www.dailymotion.com/swf/x9sdsj_a-new-kind-of-brahmin_videogames&related=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="381" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>
A new kind of Brahmin...
envoy&eacute; par soifette. - Découvrez plus de sujets sur les jeux vidéo !</div>
Obviously there are no animations when he is milking the brahmin...but it`s a really nice work and Helios would be interested too for his food system ... :clap:
I try to join helios ( X'il and Josan said me) but don't manage to reach him...
As i said in my french forum, it's only a basic script.
But one of my guys project to associate a animation with it.
For sure, I will add some gfade_out and in.
I want also to associate this skill with a trait like outdoor men.
To do that the dude produce more milk if is skill is high.
So it's only a start.
Don't hesite to give some up grade.
I think the hardest is done.
After it' s only dressing.

Brother Soifran
Nice stuff, Brother Soifran.

Hey, how about making the player character display the "use" (steal) animation during the milking?

Skynet said:
Ugh, it is yellow. Are you sure that's a milk and not the other stuff?

Hehe.. radioactive milk?
F.E.V-enriched milk?
That a cow had Two heads doesn't chock you but yellow milk... ;)
In fact when I ask Continuum to make me this 2 bucket, I was said me that if I made White milk, people went to say me ...
"OOuuuu white milk for a brahmin... :)"
But no :)
It seems people need some immovable placemark ;)
No stupid X'il for the stealinf animation.

Brother Soifran
brother_soifran said:
No stupid X'il for the stealinf animation.

what?... i do not understand :scratch: ... mmm... :eyebrow:

Anyway, what i was suggesting was that you use the AL animation for the milking.
Great idea! Maybe there's still chance for good cooking mod or something like that. Cooking meat in Wasteland Merc wasn't funny at all.
Yes it's one of the ideas.
But if someone know how to reach Helios...
Maybe we can share knowledge about this.
I'm actually enable to send him an MP in NMA.
My message keep on my box and isn't launched.

Brother soifran EX MT1 In wow sinstralis ;) (special dedicass to tom9k, and you? what your game? )