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  1. T

    Opinions on Youtube Celebrities and gaming personalities?

    I never did watch his video about grindcore (as I don't care much for heavy metal in general), but he doesn't look like a male reproductive organ, but it is true that he abuses the word objective. Still, he is fun to watch, if you set your thought-capacitor output to zero.
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    Whats the backstory of your New Vegas Courier?

    Please, do update him, he was a blast to watch. (No pun intended).
  3. T

    Opinions on Youtube Celebrities and gaming personalities?

    - AlChestBreach - Spoony (whenever the blue moon rises and he makes an episode) - Libertarian Socialist Rants (also known as ElectricUnicycleCrew) - PMRants - Schmoyoho I also infrequently watch Angry Joe (he becomes more boring with every video), the Angry Video Game Nerd (I don't like...
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    Fallout Who

    I don't know if there is such a mod for Fallout 3, but there is one for New Vegas. Here you go: Have fun!
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    Fun things to do!

    Firing a mini-nuke in the air at a thirty car pileup, saving, watching my friend's look on his face as he tries to play the game.
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    Deathclaw hunting tips

    200 rounds would have weighed you down massively on hardcore mode. Pack Rat fixes that, but it is more of a proper use of logistics then a combat perk.
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    Tunneler threat to the Mojave.

    I don't think they can hold the border effectively, unless they were well coordinated.
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    Tunneler threat to the Mojave.

    House would indeed be the only one who could organise and mobilize the Securitrons effectively. The Courier would be able to hold Vegas (at the least), and the Legion and the NCR would only be able to stop them with massive losses.
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    Could Elijah escape?

    Yes, can we resume our conversation about a crotchety old man and his attempts to escape a deathtrap before his air supply evaporates?
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    Deathclaw hunting tips

    But, with hardcore mode on, how could you have carried the rifle and your ammunition without sacrificing too much space? Why, the Pack Rat perk! And without hardcore, you could carry two thousand pencils around, if you would need them.
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    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Top hunting gear is usually heavy. The ammunition is also very heavy (you need a lot of bullets to down a Deathclaw), so Pack Rat can give you the edge in ammunition capacity, and it allows you to carry a heavy-duty Deathclaw killer, such as the Anti-Materiel Rifle.
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    Weird things you do in your games...

    One of the things I do is distributing supplies. My favorite character was a doctor of the Followers of the Apocalypse, and after I completed Old World Blues, I decided to use the technologies there to help the wasteland. Bottling large amounts of water from the Sink, turning my surplus...
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    What is your favorite part

    - Learning to survive in the desert on my own (such a change from Fallout 3) - Entering the Strip for the first time - Gambling on the Strip - Visiting the Ranger Stations - Blazing trails across the Mojave
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Me and my friend were once playing together. We enjoyed messing around with Easy Pete, due to his funny way of speaking (and inherent badassery). We spawned him in the console, gave him Avengers, Fat Men, etc. We didn't yet know of the 'Easy Pete migration bug', however. This is a bug that...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I believe Skyrim got a patch that allowed combat from horseback. Not very good combat, mind you. If you want some good mounted combat, try Mount and Blade, now, that game understands combat on horseback.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    The odd thing is, the Elder Scrolls lore is quite good, but Bethesda wastes a lot of potential by pandering to a large audience, and not just long-time fans of the series and people who read every book they come across (in the games).
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    The Gun That was not worth it when you finally got it

    I never noticed a large performance difference in comparison to a normal plasma rifle. What perks did you guys use?
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    Oblivion also has some of the most terrifiying character design you will ever see. It also has a problem with the setting. If you check the Guide Book to Cyrodill (the province with the Imperial City), you will get a description of a crossbreed between the Roman Empire and Japan. In the game...
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    Goodbye ugly Pipboy

    I've tried the Readius and the 2500, and I like both of them, but there are weird issues with the thing for me. For instance, it acts weird if you use a Stealth Boy while wearing it. I also have had a weird issue with the buttons not matching their locations on the screen. Does anyone else have...
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    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'm playing The Binding of Isaac, I cannot seem to beat the last final boss. If you're into well designed sado masochism, I suggest it. I'm playing until I get the Basement Collection. I have enough money, but I'm a cheapskate when it comes to buying new games.