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  1. M

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    Oh, I thought they developed it too, my bad. :look:
  2. M

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    That's the problem with Bethesda - every once in a while they have a good idea, and once you're immersed into it, it ends. Just look how short the DLCs were, and not only to FO3, but Skyrim as well. Not to mention Dishonored - great idea, cool concept, but a pretty short game.
  3. M


    The wiki states that the wasteland is an effect of both fallout and the black rain that started falling shortly after the war. Also, I don't remember where, but I vaguely recall reading that the nuclear blasts made the earth stop turning resulting in a long term radioactive summer. Somebody...
  4. M

    Tunnel snakes as a major faction

    That would be a part of the quest including writing another Wasteland Survival Guide by Jessica Humpington Brown, great-great-great-great granddaughter of Moira Brown, who wants to make a name for herself. :lol:
  5. M

    Tunnel snakes as a major faction

    JESUS CHRIST NO Let's not ever come back to the Capitol Wasteland and meet the people living there. Just no.
  6. M

    Mutated animals and insects too annoying.

    Nah, explosives work like charm. I remember sneaking on a bunch of Cazadors and throwing a plasma granade. Two adults were crippled and all the young ones turned into green goo. Feelsgoodman.
  7. M

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    Never thought of that, nice job :) I think I'll try it on another NV playthrough.
  8. M

    Any good dialogue in Fallout 3?

    Yeah, the dialogues were shit. But to give an example of the kind you're requesting, I think Desmond in Point Lookout could fit - no matter what you told him he'd always scorn and insult you, and even if you sided with Calvert, you could turn the sides in the middle and told Desmond that you...
  9. M

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    Good luck getting past giant radscorpions, deathclaws and cazadors as a level 5 character. :whistle: :wink:
  10. M

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    I disagree as well. FO3 had a shitty plot and lulzy lore, but as a game it was somewhat enjoyable, if you didn't take it too seriously. New Vegas on the other hand takes everything Bethesda could fuck up (except the engine) and corrects it, which makes it far superior to FO3.
  11. M

    How excited are you for Fallout 4?

    Knowing it's Bethesda, I don't expect much; my only concern is the size of the map, I hope they' learned some lessons and will make it at least as big as it was in Skyrim.
  12. M

    NO Trees

    If they keep setting the timeline 200+ years after the war, the lack of vegetation (trees included) would be just stupid.
  13. M

    Fallout 4 in the US

    There already is Fallout: Russia and it's called Metro. :P
  14. M

    Your Scariest character in the Fallout franchise

    One of the best enemies in FO of all time, I'd say. Mine are the Tuneleers. Holy fuck, I was scared of those. In case of Marked Men or Deathclaws you knew what to expect, but Tuneleers would attack in packs, disappear underground, deal surprisingly lot of damage and make this unnerving gurgle...
  15. M

    How did you kill presedent Kimball?

    I killed him twice: when I sided with the Legion, I simply sent a wave of granades from my Mercy granade machine gun. The other time was at my first playthrough - if I remember correctly, I got the mission and decided to do some side quests before that. How surprised I was when I entered some...
  16. M

    Which ending do you believe is YOUR canon ending?

    House ending is my favourite, but I'd say Independent seems the most canon to me. Of course I also believe independent Vegas would get annexed by the NCR in ten years or so, but that's a different story.
  17. M

    Could Elijah escape?

    I don't think so. His old age is getting to him, added to that his possible addiction to mentants, cigarettes and whiskey. Also, when you tune to his radio after you trap him you can hear him mumbling about the "cloud in his lungs". Not to mention Sinclair specifically constructed the vault as...
  18. M

    Why is Fallout 3 so hated?

    I think Karma system should be either remodelled or abandoned, since at this state the results it gives are simply lulzy. I've had an impression it worked slightly better in NV than in FO3, but still - killing raiders, gangers and feral ghouls gave you good karma. Allright, it's justifiable...
  19. M

    Is Mr House a dictator?

    He is a dictator/autocrate/satrap, however you call him, he solely holds the power over Vegas, but as mentioned already, he doesn't interfere with private lives of the people, which just makes him authoritarian. I sided with him on my first playthrough and I always believed he's the best choice...
  20. M

    Fanatic for the Enclave - Glory to the Enclave

    Couldn't agree more. :) Yes, but you see - the problem with the Legion is that only Caesar seems to actually understand what's the Legion's purpose in the first place, while the rest of his commanders are either psycopaths (Vulpes), butchers (Lanius) or simply follow him because he's...