Any good dialogue in Fallout 3?

The Sixth Ranger

It Wandered In From the Wastes
I can't remember much about Fallout 3, but one thing I do remember is the absolutely two dimensional dialogue. Almost every NPC in the game serves as either someone who gives you directions, or is just hamfisted in there to give you quests. Your responses are also two dimensional. You have 'I accept your quest, but, like the white knight I am, I accept no reward!', 'Sure, but it will cost you, because I am neutral!', or, 'no, please insert a large stick up your lowest bodily orifice, for I am evil!'. Do any of you remember any conversations that deviated from this formula, and were well written and/or funny?
Yeah, the dialogues were shit. But to give an example of the kind you're requesting, I think Desmond in Point Lookout could fit - no matter what you told him he'd always scorn and insult you, and even if you sided with Calvert, you could turn the sides in the middle and told Desmond that you lied to the professor to gain his trust. Guess that's a little moral grey in FO3 overall.
Yeah, remember when, oh wait ummm no
Ooh! wait no nevermind.
If there was a great dialogue it wasn't memorable enough for me to remember.
"War. War never changes." That's about all that sticks out at me. (Positively, at least.)
Honestly, every time I play that game I just make up my own dialogue. I can't even remember ANY of the game dialogue at this point other than choose option 2 to start quest X.
Alesia said:
Honestly, every time I play that game I just make up my own dialogue. I can't even remember ANY of the game dialogue at this point other than choose option 2 to start quest X.
Exactly. You have the options 'of course, gladly!', 'sure, but it will cost you', and 'yes, but I will torture you to death with a toothpick after I'm done!'.
But then again, the whole of the pitt wasn't too bad. Although the atmosphere felt a bit dull.
woo1108 said:
good dialog doesn't make good game.
so it's meaningless to find good dialog in bad game.

To that is why there is no good dialogs in neither Fo3 or NV :P
Fallout New Vegas has bad dialogue? Really?

Your brain disagrees:


This is what happens if you have a stupid character talk to his brain in OWB. It's one of the few times I was actually amused at a line of dialogue in a game.
What I mean fo3 is bad game not because it's dialogs are suck but there are plenty of other problem which makes fo3 sucks.

there would be good dialog in fo3 but it's meaningless. becaues that doesn't mean fo3 is good game.

and bad dialogs doesn't mean bad game.
dialog is just decoration for rpg.

and for really good dialog, NV has some really good dialog.
persuading makes really good dialogs.(dialog with final bosses of DLC or main game)
and Arcanum has really awesome dialog. it's hard to find the game which is better thand Arcanum
CthuluIsSpy said:
Fallout New Vegas has bad dialogue? Really?

Your brain disagrees:


This is what happens if you have a stupid character talk to his brain in OWB. It's one of the few times I was actually amused at a line of dialogue in a game.

I was thinking of the vanilla game.. Like Veronica etc... And even so Fo3 did have some godo quotes!
For example our belvoed ghoul Harold :P

- Sometimes I feel things tickling me, but I think that's just Bob getting back at me for all the times I called him Herbert.

And from a random supermutant.
-Well I was hit on the head the other day, and I remembered that I'M A WOMAN!

And ofc all Liberti Primes anti communism quotes etc. Sadly i can't think of anything great from the DLC's right now.. So where FO3 did some great ones in the vanilla games FNV made some better in the DLC's i guess.
Veronica was easily the source of the majority of brilliant one-liners in the game, and I found myself entering conversation with her and backing out just to hear what she'd say next, frequently. Veronica was a true delight, and definitely one of my favorite characters from the game. FONV just had utterly brilliant writing, and that went a long way toward a more enjoyable experience to an overall great game.

Anything equivalent in FO3? ....................No. Like it was said in the "What Fallout 3 taught us" thread, APPARENTLY the heavy radiation of the Capitol Wasteland reduced the inhabitants to brain-dead nitwits with the problem solving capacity of a 2 year old, and they were just too stupid to realize it. Overwhelmingly disappointing dialog was a natural consequence to follow.
I liked Moira Brown's speech about how the world is like a mirror and the Great War broke it, and people can try to put the pieces back together but the mirror's broken forever. The effect was somewhat spoiled by the speech being delivered by Moira Brown, but still.

President Eden had some great lines as well; Enclave Radio is possibly the high point of the game. Although, since in F2 "Enclave" seemed to refer to the oil rig where they lived rather than the faction itself(makes sense since an enclave is in fact a type of place), would they still refer to themselves that way after its destruction? Eh, I guess it's less on-the-nose than "The Patriots" or whatever.

I think there were some funny Super Mutant conversations as well, though I just remember snickering, I don't remember any of the substance.