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  1. O

    So after all these DLCs... the Brush gun is still THE gun?

    The sniper rifle with AP kills a deathclaw in 3 shots also. Or 1 shot if you get a sneak attack critical in the head. Plus, my SR is silenced and only weighs 3 pounds (carbon fiber parts). Brush Gun, This Machine, AMR, etc. cant be silenced; and weigh a helluva lot more. For large groups...
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    So after all these DLCs... the Brush gun is still THE gun?

    Well obviously the Fatman is 10 times more powerful than the Brush Gun... the only problem is the lack of mini-nukes. But with the new DLC, you can find a lot more mini nukes now. I used it to 1-shot Rawr and Ulysses. But for clearing out places like Quarry Junction or Dead Wind Cavern I use...
  3. O

    Unlimited Caps from Lonesome Road

    Has to be at 0 caps, then exit out and re-enter. However, I have only tested this on PS3, and assumed it would work the same way for all versions. What version are you playing? And when the commisary drops to 0 caps, does it stay out of caps until it restocks its inventory? edit: when i...
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    Unlimited Caps from Lonesome Road

    Thats the point. I'm not playing the PC version, so I can't mod the game to do whatever I want. I'm playing on PS3, and I posted this for people playing on PS3 or Xbox 360.
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    Unlimited Caps from Lonesome Road

    I noticed that if you sell enough loot to reduce the commisary's caps to 0, then exit and re-enter; the commisary will have 6000 more caps right away. So here's what you do: find a set of US Army Combat Armor or Riot Armor with a low condition (20-30%) and sell it to the commisary. Since the...
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    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    I didn't even need the flare gun. Just wait until one gets close and use the riot shotgun to pump 3 shots to the face. That usually does the trick. Also, has anyone detonated all 30 warheads?? I have played through LR twice and I am stuck at 29. I swear I have searched everywhere, even...
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    The Untapped Wastes...

    I don't know how to jump over the searchlight airport fence (without mods), but I found a way to explore the vast areas beyond the borders, without any glitching or modding. Unfortunately, I can only get to the spot during the final quest. Once you get to the east side of the dam, there is a...
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    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    No, Dr. Zero never says anything like that. And Muggy specifically states that Dr. Zero made him because he was insanely jealous of Mr. House -- so he made a completely useless, miniature securitron with a rediculous addiction to mugs.
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    Lonesome Road Talk (obviously spoilers)

    Load screen messages during the regular game mention that "Securitrons are a creation of Mr. House", and Muggy in OWB confirms that fact in a dialogue option. The flag at his shack and the rumors of a human owner probably just reference the fact that Ulysses had quite a few interactions with...
  10. O

    DLC Play order.

    If you have a stealth boy, you can go over to the protectron holding cells and find the de-activation terminal password, then up to the de-activation terminal, to kill the giant robo-scorpion without shooting a single microfusion cell. Also, if your science is at 100, you could just hack the...
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    Old World Blues

    Did anybody else have a glitch with the central intelligence vendor in OWB? It stopped giving me caps when i sold it stuff. It had 38,279 caps because i had spent over 20,000 caps repairing my 2 tesla cannons. Re-loading a previous save doesn't work, and neither did turning the system off and...
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    OWB and the BoS

    The pre-war tech that the BoS is hoarding was made during an era with a much more stable civilization than that of 2281. And the BoS realizes this, and decided that factions like the NCR, CL, Khans, etc, are too flawed in one way or another, to have access to pre-war tech. They realize that...
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    Old World Blues

    There is no reward for finishing the main quest quickly. Take your time and explore EVERY location. The best weapons and items come from unneccessary exploration. [spoiler:cb1dd634ec]the best weapon is the hardest to find. Its called Elijah's Jury-Rigged Tesla Cannon. The location is tricky...
  14. O

    Old World Blues

    Hazmat Suit and Hazmat Darklight Cowl (couldn't remember the name before) and it has a DT of 2, not 3 like I posted before. It is kinda a shame about the nightvision... can't take a decent pic! But in gameplay situations, you could always just unequip the cowl.
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    Old World Blues

    Yes, the hazmat suit (and helmet) make you look just like the ghost people in dead money. Pretty awesome, in my opinion... The suit gives you +85 poison resistance and has a DT of 11. The helmet gives you unlimited night vision (like cateye) and has a DT of 3. It can be found in the hazmat...
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    Old World Blues speculation

    Don't kill the messenger.... Sorry to say, 10 days won't even be close,,, more like 27 days. The official release date has been pushed to July 19th!! :evil:
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    Post images of your character

    Back from a great vacation at the luxurious Sierra Madre Casino & Resort!!
  18. O

    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Here's a good one: 2 safes in one. It looks like 1 safe, but it has 2 locks that can be picked and 2 different sets of loot. (xbox360 version) In the Repcon building go left, and left again, into the gift shop. Then turn left once more and pick the "hard" locked door. Behind that door is a...
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    Unexplained , Unfinished and Mysterious content in NV.

    I would imagine the H&H security system disposes of the bodies somehow. The guy in north vegas square says that all the people that go in there never return, but i don't recall seeing any dead bodies. The guy also says that some of the people that go there get blpwn up and then "we have to...
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    Post images of your character

    Not exactly a picture of my character, but I thought it was a pretty cool image. The game froze right as I was hitting a Deathclaw with the unique dispacer glove, "Pushy".