Still Mildly Glowing

I noticed that if you sell enough loot to reduce the commisary's caps to 0, then exit and re-enter; the commisary will have 6000 more caps right away. So here's what you do: find a set of US Army Combat Armor or Riot Armor with a low condition (20-30%) and sell it to the commisary. Since the Commisary will already have one in stock, you can do the money glitch where you buy and sell the same item over and over. Then when the commisary is out of caps, just exit, and re-enter for 6000 more caps.
If you are not familiar with this money glitch, you just need a vendor with 2 of the same item, with one of the item's condition very low (sawed-off shotguns at mick & ralph's is the best example); after you buy and sell the low-condition item a few times it will appear in your inventory as fully-repaired -- so you can sell it for a lot more money than what you paid for it. The best part is, after you sell it back, it appears back in the vendor's inventory as un-repaired -- so you can repeat the process until the vendor is out of caps.
All other vendors will be out of caps until they re-stock their inventory (every wednesday and sunday), but the commisary in LR has an endless supply of caps, plus it can repair your equipment to 100% condition. With this trick, I was able to repair all my items (48,000 caps), buy all the new weapon upgrades (92,000 caps), and still walk away with over 150,000 caps!
If you are not familiar with this money glitch, you just need a vendor with 2 of the same item, with one of the item's condition very low (sawed-off shotguns at mick & ralph's is the best example); after you buy and sell the low-condition item a few times it will appear in your inventory as fully-repaired -- so you can sell it for a lot more money than what you paid for it. The best part is, after you sell it back, it appears back in the vendor's inventory as un-repaired -- so you can repeat the process until the vendor is out of caps.
All other vendors will be out of caps until they re-stock their inventory (every wednesday and sunday), but the commisary in LR has an endless supply of caps, plus it can repair your equipment to 100% condition. With this trick, I was able to repair all my items (48,000 caps), buy all the new weapon upgrades (92,000 caps), and still walk away with over 150,000 caps!