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  1. FOvet

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    Right, I have vanilla (I'd have to buy the edition of NV that includes DLC because I'm using the 360).
  2. FOvet

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    Not for me. I actually feel that when I say NV needed more 'wilderness' it did need it. I think I would have blacklisted Beth if they had tried to incorporate yet ANOTHER Enclave vs. BoS so close togethr, good god! For me, I liked the game *mechanics* of NV better, but I liked the atmosphere...
  3. FOvet

    Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

    But Harold can be canon, if you read the FO bible. It states right in the Canon that Harold did leave Gecko, his location unknown. It also stated that the tree in his head is growing rapidly--given that information, and the fact that Harold is much more than a ghoul, he was infected with FEV...
  4. FOvet

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    Ehhh, that's debateable, LOL.
  5. FOvet

    Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

    I don't mind fanservice, I think it's a good thing and CAN generate nastalgia. That said, there IS such a thing as too much of a good thing. I'd rather have had Dogmeat in FO3 (I LOVE that dog), then MZ. Actually, as much as I like MZ, I could have lived without it, and tbh, I don't intend on...
  6. FOvet

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    Now see, that I agree with Slav ;) If a future FO title outshines FO3--and I sincerely hope so, because as much as I enjoyed FO3, I can imagine much better--then FO3 indeed will be forgotten. But, whether or not there IS a better one on the horizon has yet to be seen.
  7. FOvet

    Shattered Wasteland

    ooc: Dammit, yeah I meant Kira...her and Ari ARE similar, but also very different, LOL. Damnit, Kira thought, hearing that Scorpio would be too damn smart to let her take Drudge to NCR. She had a few contacts there that could possibly have helped. She gazed up at the stars as if asking God...
  8. FOvet

    Fallout- Old Glory

    The doctor gained Arianna's trust at once, the second he went to Biest and treated him with kindness. She regretted drawing on him, after that...but then, she had a lot of regrets in her life. "I may be a scientist," Ari told the newcommer, "But I know a thing or two about medicine. I would...
  9. FOvet

    Will Fallout 3 be remembered?

    I say absolutely. It will be known for revitalizing the FO series. Love it or hate it, agree with the canon or loath it's canon, it will be remembered, because so many 'new' FO fans adore this game. For better or worse, FO3 *will* be remembered for a long, long, long time.
  10. FOvet

    Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

    Yeah, you are talking to a huge star-trek fan, especially Voyager! I was refering to the SE from FO1--using THAT to canonize a freaking spaceship trying to destroy earth is friggin moronic! Asenine!
  11. FOvet

    Real replay value (plot and quests)

    Oh man, I can attest for Slav. I went wandering around the Junction...and ended up facing what I *thought* was a single deathclaw. I had my trusty AMR, so I backpedaled, blasted his head, and turned around to see about 4 or 5 more RIGHT BEHIND ME, all charging! Needless to say, given the AMRs...
  12. FOvet

    Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

    There's also a crashed shuttle in FO2, and I THINK in FO1 there was a crashed spacecraft special encounter, but I'm not entirely certain. But in FO2 there was a "federation shuttle" surrounded by dead "redshirts." And basing canonity on a SPECIAL encounter is crap, total crap!!! What the...
  13. FOvet

    Fallout- Old Glory

    Arianna hadn't been yelled at since Enclave bootcamp...if you didn't count Colonel Autumn getting pissy when something didn't turn out EXACTLY as he expected it to. Slowly...very slowly, she lowered her plasma rifle, sliding the weapon across her back again. She turned to Jacob. "Fine," she...
  14. FOvet

    Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

    Couldn't have been, as the dogmeat from FO2 was actually dogmeat from FO1, who canonically died during the infiltration of the Master's base. I think him being in FO3 was an homage, and wouldn't take it canonically. And Beth said MZ is canon?!?! Woow, that is the stupidest thing I've ever...
  15. FOvet

    To All FO2 modders out there; an idea!

    I guess it will never happen then, but it would be damn sweet. Nice animation, btw. And yeah, I could have the most powerful firearm in the game, and I'd LOVE to use a crossbow. I'd revert back to tribalism in an instant. Speaking of that, are there any mods that allow you to ditch the...
  16. FOvet

    Which songs did you think the game was missing?

    I don't see the fit for Riders on the Storm..was great for NfS though. My fav fallout song of all time, the one that fits *perfectly* though, for ANY game, is "I don't Want to Set the World on Fire." That is a damn perfect song, I can see that playing while mushroom clouds reach to the...
  17. FOvet

    Real replay value (plot and quests)

    I haven't. Vanilla, I agree because Cazadores, while a pain in the ass when you first encounter them, and annoying as hell later, aren't really dangerous once your mid-level. The Deatchlaws, on the other hand...those things have ALWAYS been creepily powerful.
  18. FOvet

    Have you replayed Fallout 3 yet? How was it?

    I highly doubt MZ is canon. There can be non-canon things in FO can't there? Dogmeat's existence in FO2, for instance, and again in FO3. Just because it's in the game, doesn't make it canon--look at all the funny/crazy/rediculous stuff from FO2 that was in the game but isn't canon.
  19. FOvet

    I'm reading the FO bible, and already found an oddity...

    I agree with Formerk on that, plus as Lexx mentioned, he has talked with other devs and stuff; so I will take the FOB to be canon from hereon out. I am going to post my thoughts on the FOB and how it relates to FO3 later, as I finished reading it last night. BTW, on another note, I...
  20. FOvet

    Shattered Wasteland

    Ari placed a thoughtful hand on her chin at his words. Hire him....that certainly as better than getting a man with major connections supremely pissed off at her. On the other hand, she wasn't exactly rolling in the caps herself, and she thought that Scorpio's price might be rather high. Just...