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  1. Von Drunky

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    Thats just the games way of telling you to stop chumping around and get your combat skills up in time for the end. It wouldn't be that fun of a game if you can simply run pass everything. If it helps rationalize it this way: Hunters and snuff-filmed monsters are both there to hunt vampires...
  2. Von Drunky

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I've been playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl a lot lately with friends. Mostly while being intoxicated, which is the only right way to play the game.
  3. Von Drunky

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Type O Negative - Red Water
  4. Von Drunky

    Brittany Murphy Dead

    Well she was in Spun
  5. Von Drunky

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    Probably dominate which is a very similar Ventrue skill.
  6. Von Drunky

    Project V13 concept art #9: Powerup

    Does not look like fallout to me. The car sorta hints at it but the atmosphere is not all that distinctive.
  7. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Here are some old pics I found from 04' I think. This was at a party my friends made me dress "OG" in a over sized white tee and some baggy jeans. IDK, i got hit on by some Spanish chicks at the beer store. And this is me being OG with clove cigarettes and some chick's shades.
  8. Von Drunky

    Interplay wins preliminary injunction hearing, really

    So what does this really mean for the franchise and its fans?
  9. Von Drunky

    Ron Perlman mentions Fallout movie

    The only way I can see Fallout being made into a good movie is as a B-flick made by Troma with Bruce Campbelll thrown into the mix.
  10. Von Drunky

    Rate the avatar above yours.

  11. Von Drunky

    Left 4 Dead

    I love how they put a Depeche mode shirt on the black chick to open her up to another demographic. Its like what can I, Von Drunky, possible have in common with a black woman, oh okay she likes mopey rock, I can relate!
  12. Von Drunky

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread
  13. Von Drunky

    A Vault Suit Costume?

    The spandex one on the previous page is still my favorite.
  14. Von Drunky

    A Vault Suit Costume? track suit + yellow tape. The boots are pretty close to dead on.
  15. Von Drunky

    Left 4 Dead

    Anyone want to play l4d or l4d2 demo add me on steam "VonDrunky"
  16. Von Drunky

    The Scariest Hike in the World?

    This reminds me of my childhood only its the urban mountains that need to be jumped, scaling down the drain pip and constant ruining back to the rock by the light house with a huge bag filled with steel Reserve, back in the days of wishing to relive a night forever. The days and nights come back...
  17. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Thanks dude. Here is one of me working with demon immigrant children. The one in the hat is already in high school. Time runs by way too fast. Afraid not until I do what needs to be done and I've been pretty busy drinking to figure out what it is that needs doing.
  18. Von Drunky

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    If you like Interpol check out She Wants Revenge's self-titled album. The Big Come Down - Nine Inch Nails
  19. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Yeah you would call it something gross wouldn't you? Did you ever eat worms or any other sort of bugs when you were little?