Von Drunky
Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

The only way I can see Fallout being made into a good movie is as a B-flick made by Troma with Bruce Campbelll thrown into the mix.
Deadman87 said:I would rather see a indie "smart" Fallout than the hollywood popcorn explosion michael-bay brand movie. But that that doesn't sell, so...![]()
Various people said:Uwe Boll
InTheOnlineAsbestosSuit said:Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Boll buy the rights to Fallout as a movie a while back?
Yes, but only without Hoolywood and Bethesda and if we find a Director that really cares for a post apoc theme and not just the big bang which means not very likely. So better no Fallout movie then one with bad quality.verevoof said:I think the trademarking was just to protect the Fallout franchise. But, it would be interesting if there was going to be an actual Fallout movie.
Crni Vuk said:So better no Fallout movie then one with bad quality.
Misteryo said:I think the movie should be planned from the start to be multi-parted, at least a trilogy, and the entire first part would be:
- Maybe, performed by Jack White
Gene Hackman as the Overseer, giving the opening speech
83 minutes of Jake Gyllenhaal as the Vault Dweller fighting rats in a dark cave
To raise audience expectation for the sequel, the movie could end with an emergence into blinding sunlight and a vision of what might be horned kangaroo bones... or is that Ron Perlman?
Crni Vuk said:There is no god ...
Someone takes this series too seriously.archont said:The chosen one, a young man freshly out of an underground bunker in the middle of a post World War 3 desert is about to play a game of earth's survival with an unknown alien menace in Uwe Boll's FALLOUT
I really want that to happen. I want that movie to be directed by Uwe Boll or any other lobotomized labmonkey. I want it to be even worse than the stat wars holiday specials. I want it to be so bad it redefines the meaning of "bad movie".
They raped Fallout on Earth, they raped it in space. Low orbit but still. Now they're going to rape it cinematically.
I want the bethesda fanboys to suffer.
Misteryo said:83 minutes of Jake Gyllenhaal as the Vault Dweller fighting rats in a dark cave
patriot_41 said:I watched Aliens 3 recently. It largely seemed as the inspiration for the Van Buren prison - it was really fallout-y. The movie was well paced and interesting until Ripley found out the Alien was her child. From then on it was just bullshit. So David Fincher seems like he could pull off a good post-apoc atmosphere, but somebody should get him a decent script.