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  1. Von Drunky

    False rape allegations get you 2 years in prison

    I'm being serious but the guy that it happened to over exaggerates everything. This tale however seems factual. Go for it.
  2. Von Drunky

    False rape allegations get you 2 years in prison

    Oh man, like a week ago this dumbass I know was doing coke with two J1s, one of which he allegedly had sex with. But apparently it wasn't clean and the two girls were ODing. Being J1s, they had no insurance to help them cover the ER and threatened the guy into covering both of them or they...
  3. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Which festival was this?
  4. Von Drunky

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Radiohead - The Bends Most new music does suck these days. Except The Birthday Massacre, She Wants Revenge and a very small handful of others.
  5. Von Drunky

    The pirate bay sold

    I'm sure something else is going to replace TPB however maybe this is a necessary step of bringing media to a new level. If its regulated it means no more shitty files that take forever to d/l that might not even work or be harmful. The Media industries know they are being robbed and some of...
  6. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    PlanHex got it right it is a C as in Creates Intoxicated Havoc. I suck at acrimonious, what it really stands for is Coney Island Hospital.
  7. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Thanks. I was at this gay bar whoring myself out for drinks, when one of those fags slipped me a roofie. I walked out of the bar because things were getting too weird and fell. Thats the rumor I started about myself.
  8. Von Drunky

    Most Creatively Evil thing done in Fallout

    In Fallout 3 with the DIMONIZED TYPE3 female body mod I run around as this cannibal who sneaks into peoples houses when they sleep, sandman kill them, undress them and put the bodies in weird suicide cult like patterns before my character begins to devour them. Its also fun enslaving women and...
  9. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    I'm back bitches!
  10. Von Drunky

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Amy Winehouse - Rehab (on my myspace)
  11. Von Drunky

    Fallout 3 Saved files from XP to Windows 7 (beta)

    Do to the customized router settings necessary to tap into the office PC I can't get Windows Live to work without screwing up the remote control. So instead of messing around with the settings I figured I'd just install Windows 7 to see if it made any improvements. Anyways, does anyone know if I...
  12. Von Drunky

    A new jacket and maybe some more.

    Here in New York times are rough, I was coming back from the bar and a grown man wanted to sell me a stolen bicycle for 20 bucks. Shit sucks right now, I'm probably going to have to go to law school because I won't be able to do much with a bachelors in management at this point and time.
  13. Von Drunky

    Zombie Crawl

    This chick I know is going to the one in PA today. Think she is going to be pretty into it. I was really surprised when I found out that the make up was done by this other chick I see at bars.
  14. Von Drunky

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Amy Winehouse - wake up alone (on this chicks myspace)
  15. Von Drunky

    Fallout 3 Alternative Soundtrack released

    I'm really glad people took the effort in creating this mod however I don't like the "replace" part. What I would enjoy more is an in game options which allows the player to replace the music as stated, add on to the original music file and restore to default.
  16. Von Drunky

    Did Broken Still Install Properly??

    I got "Broken Still" to finial work after restoring my internet setting to default, which messed up the remote connection to the office computer (so maybe it was the router settings?) anyway Games for Windows - LIVE is totally B.S you have to be signed into your online profile in order for the...
  17. Von Drunky

    The most badass mofos around

    Thanks Crni Vuk this was a pretty interesting read. I don't understand why some of theses members are arguing about nothing.
  18. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    You know you're my favorite 09' member, right? now if you started drinking...
  19. Von Drunky

    The Obligatory "What are you listening to" Thread

    Type O Negative - World Coming Down (album)
  20. Von Drunky

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Thats a nice window, what floor are you on?