False rape allegations get you 2 years in prison

I'm so glad people get punished for this. Between wasting government time and money as well as personal reparations to the accused it's absolutely necessary.
That's some serious shit, and punishment is deserved. What she did is an insult to the women who have actually suffered such a horrible thing.
well its one of the reason why many females that really had to suffer rape tend rather to just say nothing and try to forget it which is neither good of course as they many times are not sure what happens if they say it and no one believs it. Its a very very embarassing situation for the female I guess.
Oh man, like a week ago this dumbass I know was doing coke with two J1s, one of which he allegedly had sex with. But apparently it wasn't clean and the two girls were ODing. Being J1s, they had no insurance to help them cover the ER and threatened the guy into covering both of them or they scream rape. This shit happens all the time and it needs to stop.
I'm really, really having a hard time trying to figure out if that post was being sarcastic or not.

Do you mind if I quote that in a future book?
I'm being serious but the guy that it happened to over exaggerates everything. This tale however seems factual.

Go for it.
Justice is served! 1 case down, infinity more to go(o)...They're so gonna make a movie out of this in 5-10 years time :p
Good. I had a friend in college who was sent to jail because of a bitch like that.

He got into some sort of a fight with a friend at this party. They were naturally wasted. They go to bed, he wakes up in his room with that friend's girl sitting on top. Then that hoe claims he tried to rape her, he gets expelled and goes to jail.

About time one of them got what she deserves.
Heh, I like the subtle avatar change. I aspire to be like Daniel Plainview.

"You slithered out of your mother's filth."
Finally a fair payback to someone who accuses you of something that could ruin your reputation. :clap:

I've had a run in with a woman who tried to pull something in that vein. Bitch even accused me with an ethics dept. of planning several unspeakable things to her. Had to sit down for questioning and all. That shit nearly got me fired and had it spread, it could have irreparably damaged my reputation.

Fuck anonymous tips, if you are going to accuse someone, man/woman up and face the music.

To all women: I know not all of you are bitches, please don't consider using this kind of ammunition against anyone, not even your enemies.