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    Visual crack likes Fallout 3

    *sigh* Now isn't that symptomatic? That's exactly the reason why anyone who writes about video-games professionaly or semi-profesionally should know his basic video gaming history facts. The trailer that grabbed him/her so much is just a very badly done rip-off of the fantastic FO1 intro...
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    A Tour Around Teron

    Im sorry, but this is supposed to be an improvement? What is that grey fog supposed to be? It looks terrible...
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    Edge previews Fallout 3

    "Detractors" huh? Dunno, can't put my finger exactly on it, but this way of labeling people whose opinion is not conformist with the mainstream reminds me very much of communist propaganda.
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    Back to Fallout

    There's nothing wrong with being captured and destroying the mutant base from within early on in the game. It's propably one of my favouritve gaming moments of all time. At first I thought I should just reload, unfortunatly before I could do anything the mutant lieutenent already told me...
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    Pete Hines fires back

    Yeah, I mean, like, wtf its so amazing we can actually have action-oriented games from third person perspective these days. This advancement in technology is utterly amazing. What? You guys say there have been a lot of third person action games back in the late ninetees, like Tomb Raider...
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    PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

    Im not sure I understand exactly. You\d prefer non-killable plot NPCs over nonkillable children? Imho saying "you cant kill this guy cuz hes important to tha plot" is one of the lamest things ever. I liked the FO plot because it wasnt so heaviliy centered on characters. BasicLy you had to...
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    PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

    I actually had non-targetable children in mind when saying unkillable. Not saying this is Fallouty, mind you, but it could be an ok compromise to have everyone else being killable except children. It would be a lot better thant Kotors system of not being able to kill anyone on your own except...
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    Todd answers 25 questions

    Thats stupid. In Fallout 1 and 2, I could perfectly see that a "nasty bed" was a totaly devasted shithole. I didn't need any further descriptions, because the graphic designers and artists had done a good job with the 2d graphics. Still, the text description were a very nice addition...
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    PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

    "Nicely ignoring my point. Again: the fact that you can ignore a flaw doesn't make that flaw any better." In your post you said "irrational setting", implying that one flawed point makes the whole setting irrational. Whether or not you wanted to imply this, every possible ingorance of your...
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    PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

    I edited it out before even reading your comment,in fact not more than a few seconds after I posted it, so calm down.
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    PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

    One flawed element makes the complete setting irrational?! ? Will you tell me know that FO 1 had absolutly _nothing_ which could be seen as absurd from a realism point of view? I remember the consequences of regular and severe drug abuse being magicly gone after a few days in FO 1. OMG THE...
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    PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

    Good to see that you once again proved your severe reading disabilites. From my own post you quoted: "I understand that the ability to kill children is part of a broader concept (kill all NPCs in a game and still be able to somehow finish the plot vs. a NPC centric plot design with immortal...
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    PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

    Uh, yeah. Not being able to kill children in games isnt such a big deal....OMG JACK THOMPSON!!!111 Wait, didn't I just advocate games where all (adults) NPCs are killable? Does this sound like something OMG JACK THOMPSON would do? Credibility and immershun it is then huh? I agree with you...
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    PC Gamer UK on NMA and AoD

    The guy has reached a new low in gaming journalism, but NMA has partially to blame itself for feeding its enemies strawman fooder. Im talking about the "being able to kill children" fuzz. I understand that the ability to kill children is part of a broader concept (kill all NPCs in a game and...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    Even if he wants, it is only a small fracture of people who will *really* profit from that. The vast majority will be turned into dumb mutants who do not profit from it in any way. It doesn't really matter if he wants to mutant everyone or just exterminate the radiated humans. The outcome for...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    What? He isn't planing a better future for everyone. How he is he planing a better future for those people he wants to rid of every hope and commit indirect genocide on because *unfortunatly* they are not fit for being mutated?! Why are you deliberitly liying about the FO story? Of course he...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    The Master isn't looking for a better future for everyone. In fact, he is planing a better future for a small minority of unradiated people who can be turned into intelligent mutants. He doesn't care about the rest of humanity, he even wants to commit genocide on them. (it is genocide, theres no...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    You do realize utalitarism is a umbrella word covering many philosophical systems, sometimes only losely connected with each other? In fact, there are two contrary 'schools' of utilitarism, one claiming that the right action is an action in accordance to moral rules not matter what results of...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    Quick to jump to insults Sander, as always. You problem is that you describe the question "does the end justify the means" as a question which is valid of discussion per se. What you fail to realize is that it very much depends on the question "what kind of ends should justify what kind of...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    Sorry but this is silly. Folks, don't worry. The bright peacefully future will begin very soon. We just have to finish a bit of killing and torture here. Reminds me of the French of Revolution. You can not found a more peacefull and just society on murder and bloodbath. This is why "the end...