Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

It started off a few weeks ago, but I thought it would be better to wait for it to grow and develop: Iron Tower, Oscar, to be more precise, is running a topic dedicated to one of Age of Decadence's location: Teron.<blockquote>While Vince and Nick are busy with other stuff, I decided to take Titus for a stroll and decorate Teron a little more. I want to show you some screenshots of the place, and you can tell me what you think about them and how they can be improved. Before you ask, I removed the NPCs so they wouldn't distract, and to allow you to get a better feeling of the area itself.</blockquote>Lots of stuff and lots of arguing as usual, and quite a few screenshots too. Here are some of them:
Link: A Tour Around Teron @ Iron Tower Studio Forums
Link: A Tour Around Teron @ Iron Tower Studio Forums