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  1. B

    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    And the Master and his muties aren't repeating this mistakes in what way exactly? Because they will be more intelligent? Well, their intelligence didn't prevent them from killing, torturing people and doing twisted experiments with them. Seems like a nice start into a better, brighter and...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    Sorry, won't happen again. No they don't. The idea that every individual being has - with exceptions but still to a major extent- the right to decide by himself whats good for him (unless of course he would be violating the rights of others by his action) and the principle that ends don't...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    I don't think you can just divide those two things. And what I try to show is that his motives weren't really that noble. All in all, when playing the game I didn't feel that humanity was in such a lost state that they would appreciate being turned into mutants for the sake of surviving...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    Did all that. None of his "reasons" altered the impression for me that he's just an evil villain who is doing horrible things and justifies with a twisted idea of good which exists only in his mind. I felt sorry for Richard Grey and what happened to him, however if you really want to defend...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    We could start with aestethic standarts if you want. Those mutants are not exactly good looking, are they? ;) Would you want to be turned into such a mutant. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't, even in these post-apocalyptic living conditions. And again: Did the master use force to turn these people...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    Individualist terms? You put it as if it was something bad. Two examples in history where leaders took the right, without asking the affected people, to decide what sufferings individual people had to endure for the "greater" good of the collective: communism and national socialicm. We all...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    I have to disagree. Did the Master ever ask those people he vatted if they want to be turned into this horrible creatures? Not even to mention the fact that the Master wanted to kill of the ramaining human population (those unfit for mutation which was a vast part of the population, pretty much...
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    I just realized that beneath me is a thread where I could have posted this. Damn, Im sorry. Could some mod delete this thread and move my post in Brother None thread under me? Thank you and sorry again.
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    Is the master overrated as a moraly ambigious villain?

    You know, since I started playing the first game some year ago, I love the Fallout franchise. However I never understood why the Villain of FO 1, the master, is so overrated in the fallout community. "Deep", "tragic", "he only wanted to do good!", "he failed due to his good intentions"...
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    Auto Assault to die its final death

    I think Publishers of MMOs should at least be obliged to give back buyers the price they payed for the game (not the monthly fees, just what you paid to purchase the game in the store) Bcause as it is now, customers have paid 50 bucks for a product which is useless after a year. Imagine the...
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    Bethesda responds to NMA's preview

    After reading this, I don't see why you guys are even making the effort to argue with this "journalist". He is confronted with a clear statement: You made blatantly false statements about how NMA supposedly recorded the presentation although it was against the rules. Confronted with his...
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    NMA Fallout 3 preview and Q&A

    I like how sneaky you got yourselfes in there ;) Reminds me of one of my parents friend from Poland. He and my parents went to an open-air jazz festival. He didn't want to pay the entrance fee, so he took his old student license from Poland, manipulated it a bit...and showed is as a...
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    NMA Fallout 3 preview and Q&A

    So Silencer was the only one of you who applied under the banner of NMA. You two were permitted, and he wasn't. Figures. Great job Bethesda, thats the way to deal with one of the oldest FO Fan communities on the net.
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    Play interviews Emil Pagliarulo

    Thanks dude, I loled for several minutes :lol:
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    Level Romania previews Fallout 3

    Dudes, give the guy some credit. He had one critical notion about the game, thats more than most of these blowjob previews manage. ;) [Todd Howards declared in an interview that "violence done well is fucking hilarious". Partially I agree with him. If ten years ago we were happy like little...
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    Boast Your Fallout Box's,Also: Localizations Suck (F3 split)

    Ouch man, that hurts. Kind of mean from your grandma to throw your stuff away without asking you before, isnt it?
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    Fallout intro in best game cinematics list

    Fallout 1 Intro deserves to be in every intro top ten list of the world. This short clip is so awesome I can not describe it. Amazing how it manages to summarize the whole essence of the setting in a few scences. The stark contrast between the naive 50s style vault comic movies, war...
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    FO1 Ending ~ Glitch or Not?

    Dont you think youre overreacting a bit mister wanna-be tough guy? I'm wondering if youre talking to people the same way in real life? I would think not. Anyways, I was a bit quick posting, I realized my post was pointless after I posted it already. Good the problem has been solved, it...
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    FO1 Ending ~ Glitch or Not?

    I have the same problem on my Laptop, while on my desktop pc everything is fine. I couldnt figure out what the problem is unfortunatly. Are you playing the game on a laptop maybe?
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    Fargo clarifies

    HAHA. Hopefully he doesn't bring it back the same way he 'brought back' The Bard's tale... :roll: