mattpeckham said:
I don't know that I have or haven't made false accusations, firstly. I certainly expressed an opinion. Has Michael Jackson had any work done? No one really knows for sure, but plenty of people speculate all the time.
Commonly, if you are expressing an opinion you make it known that you are expressing in fact, an opinion, and not making factual statements. You did no such thing. Aside from whether or not Brother None or SuAside were being deceitful and hurting the press, you have no (and I mean absolutely zero) reason to believe that they took screencaptures, made sound-recordings or made video-recordings. However, you, as a self-proclaimed professional journalist, *still* insisted on claiming that they did, without any disclaimer pointing out that that was just your opinion. This could be considered slander, even, but it fits more with simplistic personal attacks to try to make your point.
Are you in the habit of accusing other people of things you have no proof for whatsoever, or is this just a one-time thing you try to justify by 'Well, they broke *other* rules'?
Oh, and if you do have some reason to believe that they did sneak in recording devices, please be so kind as to tell us what those reasons are, since so far you have failed to do any such thing.
Mattpeckham said:
The one where Bethesda disallowed NMA from attending, and you went anyway.
Bethesda had no such rule, anywhere, at any time for as far as we knew before they went to the event. Silencer was denied, but with the reason of 'not enough room' given. Only when already at the conference did Brother None and SuAside hear differently from Grandstaff.
Perhaps you should not try to second-guess what 'rules' Bethesda laid out privately, and then try to pretend as if they had made those rules public (or known to us). Because Bethesda has done no such thing. To the best of NMA's knowledge, Brother None and SuAside did not break any rules and if you have some insider knowledge as to those rules, then NMA can't be faulted for not having that insider information.