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  1. B


    Yeah, I'm was unfair with that "nonsense" While in fact in would be stupid to accuse a game including such elements as rascistic, you would propably find a whole bunch of idiots who would exactly do this no matter how moronic that is. And since Beth is only after the $$ they would be...
  2. B


    Nonsense. That would mean that every movie which shows racism could be accused as rascist. Illustrating racism != racist Racism exists in reality, and it damn sure would be even stronger in a post apocalyptic world - no problem with integrating that into a game. Something other would be...
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    My Landscape Idea

    By no means I vote for Fallout 3 being this way, but what would you think about a Fallout clone set in a scenario as in the movie "Waterworld" - complete with swimming cities and trade posts, oil tankers or aircraft carriers used as swimming cities/fortresses, huge destroyed, flooded cities on...
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    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Found the chip, returned it to the vault :D phew, no worring about the time limit anymore. A question though: After speaking with the overseer I checked my pipboy and saw 2 quests listed in the vault 13 section marked as finished, allthough I have never heard of them or accepted these quests...
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    Opening music

    I just wanted to say that in my opinion the fallout 1 intro is one of the greatest gaming intros I have seen. It could without any change serve as a opening scene for a movie set in that scenario (i think up to the point where the guy starts to talk) What a great idea. That sentimental 50s...
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    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Well, I did everything 'legaly' until I stood right behind him. Then I used that trick once to move with all my available action points and get pass him. After that I deactivated combat again and continued to move normally. Well, I already thought that is not 100 % clean but since i only used...
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    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Well, then thanks for your help all. I hope to continue having a great deal of fun with this wonderful game.
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    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Thanks for the warning. But if I manage to avoid these bugs and be cautios then the fact that I have blown up the base at that point will be correctly incorporated into the further course of the game right? Another question: I made it back to necropolis, but it seems the mutants have taken...
  9. B

    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Lol, you can congratulate me guys - I made it :P I escaped with my level 5 caracter and sneak skill 23 from that base. Sure it was a lot of trial and error and loading saving - but i prefered that over having a state where my knowledge of the story is not represented by my progress in the...
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    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Ah well, I found an elevator in the northwest on the prison cell level. Only problem: I have to get pass that traps, which costs me some HP even if I do it a horrible trial and error quicklsafe - quickload way. When I'm pass trough the traps, there are 4 mutants guarding the elevator. Even if...
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    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Damn it, looks like I have another problem. As I said, I moved trough the red energy field. But I dont know what to do now. There is an room with roborbrains (but i cant do anything with them), a second room with the mutant lieutenent who will kill me immidiatly. And an elevator. But the...
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    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Ok, a small update: With using my science skill I can indeed gain acces to the main vault computer. I have the options to blow the whole thing up (i guess that what i will be doing when i figue a safe way out of the place) However, i still cant use the energy field control computers. when i...
  13. B

    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    Wow, thanks for that fast answer. Well, yeah my be I'm too used to these totaly linear games they produce these day and thus thought it may be a bug. Actually know that you say it isnt one its really great how much _real_ freedom the game gives you in following your own part of the story...
  14. B

    [Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base

    First of all, hello . Im currently playing Fallout for the first time, and thus far have been enyoing it very much despite some minor issues (mainly dialogue bugs) Right know however I'm stuck and need some help. First off all, I will try to descripe my progress in the game as detailed as...