[Fallout 1] Stuck in Mutant Base


It Wandered In From the Wastes
First of all, hello .
Im currently playing Fallout for the first time, and thus far have been enyoing it very much despite some minor issues (mainly dialogue bugs)

Right know however I'm stuck and need some help.
First off all, I will try to descripe my progress in the game as detailed as possible, and ask you to adjust your answers to this - please try not to spoiler the rest of the game for me.

After leaving Vault 13, I moved to shady sands ->junktown -> the hub.
In the hub, i got the info that a vault is under the town of bakersfield better known under the name necropolis, so i thought it may be a good idea to travel there in order to look for the chip.

In necropolis, I met those underground ghuls who asked me to repair the waterpump. Ok, in the area where the pump is located I found some mutants. I talked with one of them and asked him to bring me to his superiour.

So there was I, in that Mutant Military Base. The Mutant boss told me about his plans blahblahblh as I refused to tell him where my vault is located i was thrown into a cell (funny enough Ian and Tycho were there aswell, but they forgot to take away their equipment...well, i guess every game has such issues)
I managed to open the cell door. And know the problems begins:

I can either move nord, but the gangway is guarded by a mutant who will imidiatly attack me. As I'm level 5 only and die from one shot of his laser cannon, this is no option.
The other option is to go south to an elevator. In front of the elevator is a energy field gate and a control device for it, but as the energy field is deactivated i can move trough it towards the elevator.
With the help of the elevator, i can move to another level of the base.
Here, the following options are present:
To the south, there is a room with 3 mutant guards and Mister Handy robotor. I can convince the guards that im on a special mission so they leave me in peace and i can take to explosives out of a locker in the room.
To the north, there is a control center with computers. There are some technicans in it, but i cant really talk with them (they only give those oneliners above their head).
Allthough my science skill is 86, i cant use the computers in a senseful way. they either dont give me any useful information or if i try to manipulate the forcefield control computer, it raises the alarm.
And that were the next problem. the only way further lays to the east, but the corridor is blocked by another force field, this time activated.
Problem: I can deactivate it. As i said, i have no access to the computers. Furthermore, this energy field (unlike the deactivated one on the prison level) has no controling terminal nearby which i could blow up with the explosives i found.
I have also stolen an Security Card from one of the technicans in the control room, but i dont know really what it is good for. when i try to use it on the computer, it says "that does nothing" other then that, i dont know where to use it elsewhere.

My questions:
1) Is there any way out of this base which doesn't involve too much fighting? How can the ID card be used, hw can that force field be deactivated?
2) Is there no way and should i rather load a previous safegame and not ask this mutant guy to bring me to his superiour? (And thus bringing me to the mutant base)

and finnaly
3) I encourntered so many dialogue bugs in this game. Is it a bug that I could be brought to the mutant base so early? (as i said i asked this one mutant in necropolis to bring me to his boss)
Has this reveleaed the story too me at an too early point of the game? (as i said im level 5 and still in the process of aquiring that waterchip)

I really hope above anything else that the answer to the 3rd question is no since this would really reduce my motivation to further play the game.

Thanks for your help in advance, i hope someone is able to give me good advise. looking forward to your answers
1) You should be able to sneak out of the base without too much trouble, if your sneak is up to par. Or at times you may be able to move around the base by running away from any hostile mutants.

2) Well, you could do that as well. It doesn't really matter.

3) Dialogue bugs? Unlikely, Fallout 1 is relatively clean of bugs. And no, this is no bug, it's really a part of the game and how you decided to play it. The consequence is that you're captured, it happens, since Fallout is a consistent game. Too much of the story is quite relative, I'd say no and that there is still quite a lot to be revealed. Hell, you haven't really discovered anything you couldn't have discovered in Necropolis. Well, almost nothing. There are a few very interesting places for you to discover and explore that you haven't found yet, so the game is far from over for you.

As a final note, to use the computers you found (86 science should really be enough), use the science skill on them, don't just use them.
Wow, thanks for that fast answer.
Well, yeah my be I'm too used to these totaly linear games they produce these day and thus thought it may be a bug.

Actually know that you say it isnt one its really great how much _real_ freedom the game gives you in following your own part of the story.
I'm wondering if it would have real consequences if I decided to tell the mutants where my Vault is?

Anyways, unfortunatly my character is not trained in sneaking at all.
I think i already used science on the computers without result, but ill check again.

Strange is: I have those explosives from the room with the mutant guards i could convince not to attack me. However, if I place them in fron of that force emmiter which is blocking my way it just explodes without anything happening.

There are also two inactive force fields (i mentioned the one in front of the elevator) For test, I the explosives in front of them - if they explode i get a message that the force field emmiter has been the destroyed and the forcefield was deacitvated - only problem: The forcefield was already deativated, and the method does not work with the activated forcefield - D'uh.
Anyone knows how to solve that problem?
bonanza said:
Wow, thanks for that fast answer.
Well, yeah my be I'm too used to these totaly linear games they produce these day and thus thought it may be a bug.

Actually know that you say it isnt one its really great how much _real_ freedom the game gives you in following your own part of the story.
I'm wondering if it would have real consequences if I decided to tell the mutants where my Vault is?
Yes, yes it would. The game would be pretty much over, though, but that's the consequence of that.

bonanza said:
Anyways, unfortunatly my character is not trained in sneaking at all.
I think i already used science on the computers without result, but ill check again.

Strange is: I have those explosives from the room with the mutant guards i could convince not to attack me. However, if I place them in fron of that force emmiter which is blocking my way it just explodes without anything happening.

There are also two inactive force fields (i mentioned the one in front of the elevator) For test, I the explosives in front of them - if they explode i get a message that the force field emmiter has been the destroyed and the forcefield was deacitvated - only problem: The forcefield was already deativated, and the method does not work with the activated forcefield - D'uh.
Anyone knows how to solve that problem?
Ah yes, the forcefields. You should be able to walk through the red ones (with a hit, if I recall correctly), and disable the other ones by either blowing them up, or using the repair skill on them. Using the repair skill on the forcefield emitters disables them temporarily.
Ok, a small update:
With using my science skill I can indeed gain acces to the main vault computer.
I have the options to blow the whole thing up (i guess that what i will be doing when i figue a safe way out of the place)

However, i still cant use the energy field control computers. when i use my science skill on them it says "you failed to learn anything new"

Well anyways, thanks to your hint i discovered i can just go trough that red energy field which blocks my way. I just had to low hp and thus died instantly when going trough it but know that i used 2 stimpacks i can go trough it.

However, the different kinds of energy fields are a bit beyond me i have to say.
As you say, I'm able to go trough the red ones with a hit, but what are those other ones which i can blow up? they do nothing, and i thought they are deactivated in contrary to the red ones, so why blow up them?

Well, anyways thanks for the help, I'll go now and explore what the base has in store for me.
Oh, I'm not sure whether you've encountered the other energy fields yet. There are also yellow, activated ones, those can be dealt with by repairing or blowing them up.
Damn it, looks like I have another problem.
As I said, I moved trough the red energy field. But I dont know what to do now. There is an room with roborbrains (but i cant do anything with them), a second room with the mutant lieutenent who will kill me immidiatly. And an elevator. But the elevator is out of order i cant use it.

The next problem: I moved down again to the prison level, and infact managed to kill the mutant guard guarding the gangway.
After that, there is a big empty hall with traps, I managed to get pass trough them - there is another evevator - again it is out of order.

So even if I do fight I just cant see a way out of this base?
No, there is most definitely a way out. In the northwest of the map there is an elevator, this holds true for each of the levels, and that elevator does work.
Ah well, I found an elevator in the northwest on the prison cell level.
Only problem: I have to get pass that traps, which costs me some HP even if I do it a horrible trial and error quicklsafe - quickload way.
When I'm pass trough the traps, there are 4 mutants guarding the elevator. Even if managed to survive that encounter with a few hp left, which is impossible with my character and level, i would have to go trough that red energy field which guards the elevator which would propably kill me or one of my party members.

Unless I'm blind I cant find this elevator you mentioned on the other level. In the northwest, there is just the command room. the only elevator on that level doesn't work.
Are you sure there is one?
Duder, I think you should just reload a previous save game and not tell the mutant in Necropolis that you want to see his boss. You'll visit the Army Base at a later and more appropriate time anyway.

If you don't want to do that, you're just going to have to find a way out of the base using the elevators and your skills to switch off the force fields. It is doable, though, just as Sander said. A high Sneak skill is quite helpfull.
bonanza said:
Ah well, I found an elevator in the northwest on the prison cell level.
Only problem: I have to get pass that traps, which costs me some HP even if I do it a horrible trial and error quicklsafe - quickload way.
When I'm pass trough the traps, there are 4 mutants guarding the elevator. Even if managed to survive that encounter with a few hp left, which is impossible with my character and level, i would have to go trough that red energy field which guards the elevator which would propably kill me or one of my party members.

Unless I'm blind I cant find this elevator you mentioned on the other level. In the northwest, there is just the command room. the only elevator on that level doesn't work.
Are you sure there is one?
Well, no, I"m not. I haven't played the game in quite some time. Still, there is an elevator on each map. You got off the prison level too with an elevator? Well, that's the one elevator on that level.
And yes, it's tough. It's a highly guarded military base with super mutants. But it's still doable.
Lol, you can congratulate me guys - I made it :P

I escaped with my level 5 caracter and sneak skill 23 from that base. Sure it was a lot of trial and error and loading saving - but i prefered that over having a state where my knowledge of the story is not represented by my progress in the game.

Somehow I managed to sneak pass the guard guarding that gangway. I sneaked up to directly behind him. When I wanted to get pass him from this point he would eventually always discover me. However, at this moment I changed into combat mode and sneaked past him in which case he wouldnt detect me. I hope I didnt use any kind of exploit with this.

Well, since I could get away from him without raising the alarm, i could get pass the great hall without damage since the traps in it seem to be only activated when alarm is raised.

Since alarm was not raised, the working elevator was only guarded by one mutant. I sneaked to him until i was directly behind him and then surprised him with an attack. I needed 2 or 3 attempts but it worked out that i killed him immidiatly with the help of ian and tycho and again no alarm was raised :D

After reaching the elevator this way the rest of the base is childplay. the other 2 levels are not as heavily guarded as levels 3 and 4.

Plus, i activated self destruction and made it out of the thing in time.

One final question: Will the fact that i discovered the place and blew it up be recognized by the game? I'd hate it when I couldn't tell anybody about or other illogical things like "Blow the base up" quest (hypotheticly) and i couldnt say that i already did it.

Please no spoilers, just yes or no ;)

Well and thanks for your help :P
Sander said:
Well, no, I"m not. I haven't played the game in quite some time. Still, there is an elevator on each map. You got off the prison level too with an elevator? Well, that's the one elevator on that level.

There are elevators on the nort-west end of level 1 and 2. Level 3, where the command center is, has a non-working elevator roughly in the middle and a working one to the south.

The south-western elevator is the only way to go between levels 2 and 3. The north-western elevator is the only way to go between 1 and 2.

One final question: Will the fact that i discovered the place and blew it up be recognized by the game? I'd hate it when I couldn't tell anybody about or other illogical things like "Blow the base up" quest (hypotheticly) and i couldnt say that i already did it.

There some bugs you'll encounter because of it, sadly. There's an organisation that is very brotherly and has a lot to do with steel, when you get there safe often and pay attention to the dialogues.

You'll be hard-pressed to find people to talk to about it, though. It was a secret base with a huge stretch of desert between it and the next town. They'd just declare you mad if you told them.

Well done, though.
Kharn said:
There some bugs you'll encounter because of it, sadly. There's an organisation that is very brotherly and has a lot to do with steel, when you get there safe often and pay attention to the dialogues.

You'll be hard-pressed to find people to talk to about it, though. It was a secret base with a huge stretch of desert between it and the next town. They'd just declare you mad if you told them.

Well done, though.

Thanks for the warning. But if I manage to avoid these bugs and be cautios then the fact that I have blown up the base at that point will be correctly incorporated into the further course of the game right?

Another question: I made it back to necropolis, but it seems the mutants have taken over and killed all the ghuls, even those underground guys who wanted to help me retrieving the waterchip.

I made that whole mutant base thing before I was able to get the waterchip from necropolis.
Is it still possible to do that know?
bonanza said:
Thanks for the warning. But if I manage to avoid these bugs and be cautios then the fact that I have blown up the base at that point will be correctly incorporated into the further course of the game right?

bonanza said:
Another question: I made it back to necropolis, but it seems the mutants have taken over and killed all the ghuls, even those underground guys who wanted to help me retrieving the waterchip.

I made that whole mutant base thing before I was able to get the waterchip from necropolis.
Is it still possible to do that know?
Yes, yes it is. Just explore all of Necropolis...
Well, then thanks for your help all. I hope to continue having a great deal of fun with this wonderful game.
bonanza said:
However, at this moment I changed into combat mode and sneaked past him in which case he wouldnt detect me. I hope I didnt use any kind of exploit with this.

It is, sort of. Enemies can't react to you in combat mode, and you can keep A pressed to make sure they never get a chance. If you made it past him with a single move action I think most wouldn't consider it cheating, though.
Per said:
bonanza said:
However, at this moment I changed into combat mode and sneaked past him in which case he wouldnt detect me. I hope I didnt use any kind of exploit with this.

It is, sort of. Enemies can't react to you in combat mode, and you can keep A pressed to make sure they never get a chance. If you made it past him with a single move action I think most wouldn't consider it cheating, though.

Well, I did everything 'legaly' until I stood right behind him. Then I used that trick once to move with all my available action points and get pass him. After that I deactivated combat again and continued to move normally.

Well, I already thought that is not 100 % clean but since i only used it once I think I can live with it - not exactly the best way to play a game though, ill try to avoid such things in the future.
Found the chip, returned it to the vault :D phew, no worring about the time limit anymore.

A question though: After speaking with the overseer I checked my pipboy and saw 2 quests listed in the vault 13 section marked as finished, allthough I have never heard of them or accepted these quests.
Its "calm the rebellious faction" and "find the water thief"

I guess I had recieved these quests if I had returned to the vault at some point but yet without bringing the waterchip and now that the waterchip is back the problems were solved automaticly right?
on level 2 there is a redhead (i think) thats speaks about being disgruntled about how the vault is run by the overseer. what you answer to her (and/or ask the overseer when you talk to him after returning the chip) can complete that quest.

as for the water thief, it's a quest thats only valid before you return the chip. hence it's crossed out. several NPC's hint at it if you return to the vault early. (and easy to solve to boot but it's hardly worthwhile to return to the vault before you have the chip)