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  1. mikek17

    That's what I hate, too many games are casualized by adding health regen systems.

    That's what I hate, too many games are casualized by adding health regen systems.
  2. mikek17

    Fallout with the best written dialogue? (Please provide a quote from your choice).

    Ah yes, OK, sorry. I guess I ignored the "better written" part. But sadly there is not much good dialogue in Fallout 4 when it comes to character interaction, I mean I saw a lot of potential in "Father" but there is barely anything you can talk about, I thought he'd have a pretty interesting...
  3. mikek17

    Fallout with the best written dialogue? (Please provide a quote from your choice).

    FALLOUT 4's dialogue system is one of the worst dialogue systems in any game that I have ever seen. First of all, a lot of people like to call it "Mass Effect" style. But this is plain wrong. Why? Because at least in Mass Effect there are sometimes more than 4 dialogue choices, and sometimes...
  4. mikek17

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    Thank goodness
  5. mikek17

    Tyranny Discussion Thread

    I sure hope you can create your own guy or I'm not buying it
  6. mikek17

    Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

    Well, I thought the game really is not good, it sort sucks. Yes the fans are really bad. But the fanbase doesn't matter much when I play the game (no offense to you guys) or at least for my review. But mainly when I said worse than ass cancer I was referring to Neptunia. But yes I do think...
  7. mikek17

    Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

    Hyper Dimension Neptunia and Undertale Want my review? "Worse than ass cancer"
  8. mikek17

    Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

    Well I'm a few chapters into the first game and it's already one of my favorites, but it's just really annoying because for example I clicked on a peasant guy in a tavern and he said something like "Hey! Stop clicking on me!" and BAM immersion broken. I've seen MUCH worse though. I refunded 2...
  9. mikek17

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    Thanks for doing this, I don't think it was intentional. You know how whenever a Bethesda game comes out people say the mods will fix it? Modd Howard. I'll see myself out. BUT seriously, this bug in their engine is no surprise, it has become an unoptimized mess, requiring 8 GB of ram for an...
  10. mikek17

    Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

    I like Baldur's gate as well but there's some fourth-wall breaking that I've encountered which does not make me a happy camper
  11. mikek17

    Good PC Builds

    Did you try using a driver before version But yes I do wish things could be truly free (free as in freedom) when it comes to video games but sadly right now the status quo is too important because...
  12. mikek17

    Good PC Builds

    You attach it to PCI-E just like a normal GPU (it is a normal GPU, just a really cheap dumbed-down one to run PHYSX) and then nVidia will allow you to install geforce drivers, which adds in the nvidia control panel. From there, click phhysx and it lets you choose a dedicated card to use. AMD...
  13. mikek17

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    Reminds me of this it's a never-ending cycle...
  14. mikek17

    Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

    my man love that game
  15. mikek17

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    This is why FarCryOut 4 is casual. You CANNOT fail. You cannot lose quest. No matter how retarded your character is you can still be the savior of the waste (also when I say "retarded" I am not referring to a character with 3 or less INT, so don't twist my words and say "durrr you can beat...
  16. mikek17

    Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

    Not ordered - Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker - Baldur's Gate - Deus Ex - System Shock 2 - Morrowind
  17. mikek17

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

  18. mikek17

    Bethesda Shows Where Their Priorities Are (Patch 1.6 New)

    Bethesda thinks an automated dinner vending machine failing to operate 200 years after the war is "deep"
  19. mikek17

    Piss off NMA with 1 sentence.

    UnderRail sucks, but it could be good if it was made into UnderTALE, obviously. Fallout was never about being serious (ex Fallout 2) so why care if Bethesda puts in ghost, vampires, cabot house, etc.? It's just what Fallout is meant to be!
  20. mikek17

    Opinions on Communism

    I just don't understand how you can consider his criticism valid when he hasn't used the system he's criticizing. That's like saying a book is bad but you have never read it. Or maybe that's just the way I look at it.