Your top 5 favorite (non Fallout) games.

Bond Fan

No law ever written is as powerful as Cold Steel
What are your top five favorite games?
Don't list any Fallout games though.

  1. World of Warcraft
  2. Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay
  3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
  4. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
  5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
1. Planescape: Torment
2. Baldur's Gate Trilogy (or rather the second game modded to play all the Baldur's Gate games in one game)
3. Deus Ex
4. Thief: The Metal Age (Preferred it over Thief: The Dark Project due to the former being more a burglary simulator)
5) The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

I'm a sucker for good RPGs that have a touch of good writing.

EDIT: Forgot to add, this list is not in any particular order.
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1: Civilization IV
2: X-Com: UFO Defense (1994)
3: Rome Total War and Barbarian Invasion
4: Tropico 4
5: Space Station 13
1.Tie between Deus Ex and Human Revolution
2.Doom 2016
3.Contra 3: The Alien Wars
4.The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
5.Fallout 4S.T.A.L.K.E.R, the whole Cheeki-Breeki trilogy

Good story is not enough for a good game. Likewise, the good gameplay is not enough without proper story worth playing.
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Er top five? I can't give a top five but I can give five games.

  1. Hitman: blood money
  2. Resident evil 3: Nemesis
  3. Silent hill
  4. Metal arms: glitch in the system
  5. Super Mario sunshine
Tough to come up with only 5, but here's 5 great PC games:

1. Age of Decadence

2. Dark Sun: Shattered Lands

3. Dead State: Reanimated

4. Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut

5. Expeditions: Conquistador
Here it goes, in no order
1. Snake Eater
2. Shenmue 2
3. Soul calibur III
4. Knights of the old republic (rather new on my list)
5. Possibly a GTA game
Separating this into big budget/AAA and Indie/lower budget categories in no particular order/ranking:

AAA/big studio:
1) Witcher series
2) S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series
3) Final Fantasy VII
4) KOTOR I and II
5) Mass Effect/Dragon Age: Origins
Also: Stellaris, Planescape: Torment, Deus Ex series, Metro series, Morrowind, Oblivion, Divinity: Original Sin, the original Rainbow Six, System Shock 2, Bioshock series, Counterstrike/other Half-life mods

Indie/small studio:
1) Wasteland 2
2) Endless Space/Endless Legend
3) Penumbra series and SOMA (same developer)
4) Age of Decadence (haven't played yet, but I think it will be a favorite)
5) Pillars of Eternity
Also: Underrail, FTL, Duskers, Shadowrun series

Probably some major ones I can't think of as well.
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In no order:
Crusader Kings 2
my man
love that game
The top five games I've enjoyed of all time?

1. Streetfighter, been playing since SF2, but I'll list Alpha 3 as my favorite of the bunch.

2. Resident Evil, the whole series, but probably RE2 on PS was the one that had the most impact.

3. Baulders Gate, I think the first is the best of the series.

4. Eye of the Beholder, Temple of Darkmoon being my favorite in there.

5. EzPz Rpg. Ok, so it's a pay2win phone game that's basically a spreadsheet with a lot of antagonistic texting, but I just played it everyday for 16 months and it was quite intense, competivitly.

I left out fallout like you asked And elder scrolls too just because.... Uh they're pretty similar in my mind these days ;)
1 I have No Mouth and I must Scream
2 Planescape: Torment
3 Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines
4 Penumbra Black Plague
5 Arcanum: of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
:salute: A lot of great classics up there. I've heard a lot of good things about I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream though I have not read the original short story.

I like Baldur's gate as well but there's some fourth-wall breaking that I've encountered which does not make me a happy camper
Bondari reloads? I found the fourth-wall breaks to be more tongue-in cheek rather than annoying though it does get a little vexing on new playthroughs.
:salute: A lot of great classics up there. I've heard a lot of good things about I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream though I have not read the original short story.

Bondari reloads? I found the fourth-wall breaks to be more tongue-in cheek rather than annoying though it does get a little vexing on new playthroughs.
Well I'm a few chapters into the first game and it's already one of my favorites, but it's just really annoying because for example I clicked on a peasant guy in a tavern and he said something like "Hey! Stop clicking on me!" and BAM immersion broken. I've seen MUCH worse though. I refunded 2 games just a few days ago, both for the same reason, abundant fourth wall jokes. I mean, if your game has so many fourth wall breaks that within the first TWO HOURS of the game I already hate it, uh, anyways... my point is I really hate fourth wall break, it's a cheap way at comedy mainly. Sorry if I went on a rant about it, but now I've learned my lesson and I thoroughly investigate every fourth wall break present in a game before I buy it.
Well I'm a few chapters into the first game and it's already one of my favorites, but it's just really annoying because for example I clicked on a peasant guy in a tavern and he said something like "Hey! Stop clicking on me!" and BAM immersion broken. I've seen MUCH worse though. I refunded 2 games just a few days ago, both for the same reason, abundant fourth wall jokes. I mean, if your game has so many fourth wall breaks that within the first TWO HOURS of the game I already hate it, uh, anyways... my point is I really hate fourth wall break, it's a cheap way at comedy mainly. Sorry if I went on a rant about it, but now I've learned my lesson and I thoroughly investigate every fourth wall break present in a game before I buy it.
Fair enough. In my opinion, there are some fourth wall breaks have been well implemented at times (for instance, the game goes out of its way to explore the implications of no fourth wall in the medium) though it's the exception rather than the norm, resulting in the cheap way at comedy you mentioned. What were those two games you mentioned refunding?