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  1. Ardent

    Need help, game crashes on entering Vault city

    Fallout tends to experience such random crashes. Recently, I was testing an MR build and the game crashed after a rather large battle. I loaded up a save game and everything went smoothly from then on.
  2. Ardent

    How to give more ammo to random encounter critters?

    Read this tutorial to learn how to add extra items to critters in random encounters. Yes, because the critters are created on the spot, along with the items they carry. That's why any ammo changes you make will be accounted for in the random encounters.
  3. Ardent

    Make EPA the Resident-Evil style lab or add one (mod idea)

    @ziemeck: if you like themes like that, I advise you to keep a lookout on the Mutants Rising mod.
  4. Ardent

    Restoration Mod issues

    You need to install the Hero Appearance Mod, if you want to change character style (i.e. haircut). Normally, it should be on the optional content list in the RP installer. I don't know if Linux has anything to do with it. As for keeping the tribal look after the temple of trials, it is...
  5. Ardent

    Olympus 2207 English Demo released

    Juicy news! I'll be checking out the English demo as soon as I have some free time. Congratulations to the Olympus team and to Egalor for the translation work! :clap:
  6. Ardent

    Evil mod for Fallout 2

    I second that. I'd rather leave the interface on, so you can just press the attack button and finish the job yourself. You get combat XP and bad karma as an added bonus. This sounds more like a Charisma check, but that's only a technical remark. However, threatening doesn't sound like a...
  7. Ardent

    Fallout:Enclave Edition Total Conversion

    Good luck with the mod. A couple of tips for you: 1. If you're writing dialogue, do work on your grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Even in your OP, there's easily a dozen grammatical and spelling mistakes. Even if English isn't your native tongue, it won't cost you a lot of effort to give...
  8. Ardent

    The screenshots thread

    Well, we did just revamp the whole gallery, in case you missed it... :shock:
  9. Ardent

    Does F2wedit work with Restoration project?

    If you don't know what the scripts are for then you'll do wise to stay away from them. They are not needed to mod weapons the way you want to mod them - all you need to do is tweak values such as damage, ammo used, range, etc. They are normal properties of item prototypes and no scripting is...
  10. Ardent

    Modifying reload AP with sfall hook script

    An interesting idea indeed, NovaRain. Nice job and really nice of you to post it here, I bet somebody (me?) might use it for their own mods :P As for cleaning up the code, you could perhaps add an extra variable in which you type the PID of the weapon you want to modify. Something like that...
  11. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Dialogue Crashes/Freezes

    Why did you install the Restoration Project over the Unofficial Patch, even though it says clearly that the latter is already included in the former? Try reinstalling again, but install the Restoration project directly on your clear Fallout 2 installation and then top it with the newest...
  12. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    The code you can find in the original files is incomplete, buggy and doesn't even make much sense. I tried to make it work for my mod, but I ended up re-designing the whole thing and doing it from scratch. Adding a food system would basically require redesigning every location of the game, a...
  13. Ardent

    No Mutants Allowed front-page redesign

    To me, the new layout is 100 000 times better than the old one. Good work! I won't cry if Marcus returns to his usual spot though :aiee:
  14. Ardent

    Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.

    Umbra does sound good. +1
  15. Ardent

    Mutants Rising update

    @WUE: Thanks for the newspost! The screenshots only depict a few of the initial locations. Getting to the end without advanced tech would be exteremely challenging. There is a single suit of power armor available in the mod. High-tier weapons will also be available, although we will...
  16. Ardent

    Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.

    The Bear Spirit Tribe! (that was a joke)
  17. Ardent

    Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.

    No disrespect intended, but... Potheads Tribe? Mary Jane Tribe? Marley Tribe? Jah Peepel? :lol:
  18. Ardent

    Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.

    I would draw inspiration from Van Buren material. The tribals would have played a huge role in that game and there were several very cool tribes - ones that were not (at least not entirely) your typical permutation of stereotypes that we may have about Papua/New Guinea or American Indian tribes...