Does F2wedit work with Restoration project?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I found this awesome tool that lets you change weapon or ammo as you wish so I was wondering will Restoration project or YAAM mods work with this? I mean, can I change some weapon in this and still play with those mods?
and this is all working with RP and YAAM ?
I want to make lasers do more damage and some other stuff, but I also want to have AP ammo do the proper damage
Also I want to make Bozar like it was suppose to be, a sniper instead of machine gun...
Don't forget to change the sound - maybe the .223 pistol sound will work the best, test a few and see sounds the most impressive. If the Bozar was a sniper rifle, I suspect it would use the 14mm ammo.
Hey, do you know what are those scripts in f2wedit for? I don't understand that really.
If all you wanted to do is tweaking weapons/ammo/armors, you don't need to use those scripts on items. They are for quests or quest related items.
oxidize said:
Hey, do you know what are those scripts in f2wedit for? I don't understand that really.

Messing with those scripts a sure way of crashing the game. If you want to add something then consider the perks.

Weapon Long Range
Chance to hit increased by (PE-2)*8

Weapon Accurate
Chance to hit increased by 20%

Weapon Penetrate
Reduce DT of armor by 80%

Weapon Knockback
Knocks critter backwards (Super Sledge)

Weapon Scope Range
Chance to hit increased by (PE-2)*12

Weapon Fast Reload
Reloading takes only 1 AP (instead of 2)

Weapon Night Sight
Removes penalties to chance to hit from the darkness

Weapon Flameboy
More likely to show the most violent death animation for critters killed by fire

Weapon Enhanced Knockout
All critical hits cause knockout in addition to their regular effects.
Characters with 9 ST have a 1% chance of causing knockout on a regular hit. Characters with 10 ST have a 2% chance of causing knockout on a regular hit.
NovaRain said:
If all you wanted to do is tweaking weapons/ammo/armors, you don't need to use those scripts on items. They are for quests or quest related items.
What exactly do you mean?
oxidize said:
NovaRain said:
If all you wanted to do is tweaking weapons/ammo/armors, you don't need to use those scripts on items. They are for quests or quest related items.
What exactly do you mean?

If you don't know what the scripts are for then you'll do wise to stay away from them. They are not needed to mod weapons the way you want to mod them - all you need to do is tweak values such as damage, ammo used, range, etc. They are normal properties of item prototypes and no scripting is needed for that.

Scripts on items are a smelly business - they can cause the "too many items" bug, and should only be used in special situations. For instance, in Mutants Rising you can use the regular radio item to remotely talk to various people in the game. The normal properties of the radio item don't enable you to do that - you have to script it.
That's what item scripts are for. The list of scripts you see here is the list of ALL scripts used in the game, so most of them are critter scripts. Assigning these scripts to items will have no effect at all most times, but will almost certainly crash your game at some point. If you're curious, see for yourself.

As for why this software works with the RP is because it "reads" the contents of the game, instead of storing info that may need updating.