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  1. Ardent

    Throwing sucks! Any Mods?

    If Weapons Redone resembles the version I played a long time ago, it should be modular, so you should be able to just patch the throwing weapons. Also, if you only install the throwing weapons package, it should work just fine with the new RP. Worst case scenario, download f2wedit (by...
  2. Ardent

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    To be frank, I don't care if it happens in real deserts. The task of the level artist is to make levels look good. This level doesn't look good in my opinion. OK, I agree this looks very "tabletop"-esque. I guess I just had different expectations, that's all. The uniqueness of its style...
  3. Ardent

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    While I am well aware of how limited budget is on this project, and that graphics were never top priority, AND how limited Unity is when it comes to supporting large games, I still think this screenshot looks poor, especially in terms of level art. The cliff blends very badly with the ground...
  4. Ardent


    You'd have to replace the majority of data files, which you would have to find pirated somewhere on the net. Isn't it less trouble to re-purchase F2 instead? It's 10 bucks at and 10 euros on Steam, and there are promos and stuff every couple of months. Plus you'd get the support for...
  5. Ardent

    Team wanted for FOnline project

    So you have no general game vision documentation, no main themes, no draft storyline or events/location ideas? Everybody does what they want, work their asses off on locations and quests/dialogue and then you approve it or potentially find out it doesn't hold together and everything has to be...
  6. Ardent


    Then I'm afraid I don't know how to help you :shrug:
  7. Ardent

    the wonders of hs_removeinvenobj

    Excellent work, Jim! This will surely come in handy one way or another :) Thanks!
  8. Ardent


    The edited proto should be in data/proto/items. The only thing that comes to my mind that could cause the problem is that you haven't deleted/renamed patch000.dat in your Fallout 2 folder. Is that the case? patch000.dat overrides anything that you may have edited for the game. Hope this helps.
  9. Ardent


    You need to add new sound effects for these guns. Gun sounds are identified by their name starting with W, and using various characters to differentiate between various weapon sfx. See here for more information. There are still unused characters available that you could use for new sfx, e.g...
  10. Ardent


    I get a funny feeling you didn't read the readme file :P Though Drobovik already provided you with a more friendly tool, for future reference: When you're in your snd2acm folder, you need to have the files you want to convert there too. Type in: snd2acm filename1.mp3 filename1.acm Press...
  11. Ardent


    Perhaps you're clicking it twice from your Windows Explorer window, instead of running it from the command line? If this is the case, go Start->Accessories->Command Line (or Start->Run->cmd), then navigate your folder system (with cd commands) until you arrive in your snd2acm folder, then...
  12. Ardent

    FO2 TCs: Mutants Rising and Resurrection

    No, it's pretty bad. For one, prototyping is a nightmare. No way of batch-prototyping e.g. tiles. Cycling through art is also extremely time consuming (I know you can use the END button to skip to the end of the list); no tag system to group assets by art-sets, which would enable you to e.g...
  13. Ardent

    FO2 TCs: Mutants Rising and Resurrection

    Great news and congratulations to the Resurrection team! I'm confident MR will also have its big day some day 8-)
  14. Ardent

    Solving the incompatible weapon animations problem.

    I concur. I'd rather tend to think that the decision to cut down on the number of animations was a purely economic one - the game had to fit on a 700 Mb CD-ROM, and given the short time-frame of development for F2 and shitty tools, the art team sure had a lot of different tasks to take care of...
  15. Ardent

    Solving the incompatible weapon animations problem.

    I'm not exactly sure how projectiles are handled, but I don't think they should pose any problem - I once did a Cyclops' glasses weapon for fun and it was shooting laser bolts from a punch animation :P I'd suggest you download Cubik's item editor, play around and see what effects you can get...
  16. Ardent

    Solving the incompatible weapon animations problem.

    Exactly. I'm not saying the original system is perfect. After all - what can you expect from a sprite based engine? I'm just saying that as a player well-familiar with Fallout weapons, I expect a sledgehammer when I see sledgehammer animations and some kind of rifle when I see rifle...
  17. Ardent

    Solving the incompatible weapon animations problem.

    It would work, as long as you make sure your renamed files cover all animations from the other set. E.g. big guns have an additional animation for flamethrowers that rifle animations don't have. It's nothing complicated - you just copy the burst animation one more time and rename it as flamer...
  18. Ardent

    FO2 TCs: Mutants Rising and Resurrection

    MR dates back to 2003 :lol: Of course, almost nothing (except some designs) remains from these old days. The 'modern' MR (i.e. the content that remains until today in some form) began around 2008/09, if I'm not mistaken (I joined in 2010).
  19. Ardent

    FO2 TCs: Mutants Rising and Resurrection

    Everything that was already done for MR would have to be re-done from the beginning in the FOnline engine. Granted, mapping and asset integration are much easier and straightforward in FOnline, but it would still be a massive task to pull off. Second, we would have to find scripters familiar...
  20. Ardent

    Radio Mods for FO1 or FO2

    In the case of this playthrough, music was added in post production of the video. So yeah, running a media player in the background is your best shot at having music a la radio in F1/2.