Angry AKA The Dude Next to Cabbot of the the FO2 TC mod Mutants Rising - which I am sure you are all aware of - has posted an update on the project and a new piece of art:

Howdy, folks! Well, it's that time of the year when we here at Mutants Rising feel that we owe you -- our avid supporters -- an update. So, what's been happening with Mutants Rising in the past nine months? Where to begin:
Firstly, you may be wondering 'who is this guy?' or 'what happened to ardent and cp?' Rest assured, folks, they are alive and well. I joined MR at the start of the year as a Writer, and have since been promoted to Producer. My main function is to alleviate some of ardent's massive workload. But enough about me, let's talk about something interesting.
Game design has been progressing at slow and steady rate. From a design standpoint, the game is 100% complete -- in fact, just last week, we finalized design on MR's big bad boss. I'd tell you more about him/her, but I wouldn't want to spoil it for you, so I'll simply say that he/she's a doozy, and you will thoroughly enjoy thwarting his/her plans. See how I'm even keeping his/her gender ambiguous? >
Normally we'd have some sort of content update with a newspost like this, seeing as how we go so long between updates. Instead, we're going to have Jinx, one of our lead game designers, give all of us some insight on his design process. So, without further ado, here is Jinx</blockquote>
The full post can be found at or in the sub-forum here on NMA. MR is looking for a 3D artist to animate some talking heads etc and new writers.
The Czech mod FO 1.5 Resurrection is back from the dead and will be released in Czech on 03/10/13, and they have promised us an English translation:
<blockquote>We are going to publish the Czech version of Fallout 1.5: Resurrection for download in the evening on Thursday, October 3rd of this year. I myself have trouble believing it after all those years of development and sometimes I get a feeling that we are going to work on Resurrection for eternity but the release date is really valid. The game is completed and according to the impressions of beta testers does not look bad at all. We want just one more month to put the final touches and exterminate the bugs. We want to make sure that nothing serious escapes our attention which might very well happen when we take into consideration the vast size Resurrection has grown into.
Do not worry; our work is not done yet. Besides fixing the bugs which the players might encounter we are finally going to be able to work properly on the English translation so you might expect the English version sometimes during the next year. We are definitely going to let you know as soon as we are able to determine a more precise date.</blockquote>
See for more details and some interesting feedback from those lucky enough to have played it already.
In other FO2 Modding news: if you have not already checked out Jim's Mods have a look. He has devised some pretty radical overhauls of FO2.
Howdy, folks! Well, it's that time of the year when we here at Mutants Rising feel that we owe you -- our avid supporters -- an update. So, what's been happening with Mutants Rising in the past nine months? Where to begin:
Firstly, you may be wondering 'who is this guy?' or 'what happened to ardent and cp?' Rest assured, folks, they are alive and well. I joined MR at the start of the year as a Writer, and have since been promoted to Producer. My main function is to alleviate some of ardent's massive workload. But enough about me, let's talk about something interesting.
Game design has been progressing at slow and steady rate. From a design standpoint, the game is 100% complete -- in fact, just last week, we finalized design on MR's big bad boss. I'd tell you more about him/her, but I wouldn't want to spoil it for you, so I'll simply say that he/she's a doozy, and you will thoroughly enjoy thwarting his/her plans. See how I'm even keeping his/her gender ambiguous? >

Normally we'd have some sort of content update with a newspost like this, seeing as how we go so long between updates. Instead, we're going to have Jinx, one of our lead game designers, give all of us some insight on his design process. So, without further ado, here is Jinx</blockquote>
The full post can be found at or in the sub-forum here on NMA. MR is looking for a 3D artist to animate some talking heads etc and new writers.
The Czech mod FO 1.5 Resurrection is back from the dead and will be released in Czech on 03/10/13, and they have promised us an English translation:
<blockquote>We are going to publish the Czech version of Fallout 1.5: Resurrection for download in the evening on Thursday, October 3rd of this year. I myself have trouble believing it after all those years of development and sometimes I get a feeling that we are going to work on Resurrection for eternity but the release date is really valid. The game is completed and according to the impressions of beta testers does not look bad at all. We want just one more month to put the final touches and exterminate the bugs. We want to make sure that nothing serious escapes our attention which might very well happen when we take into consideration the vast size Resurrection has grown into.
Do not worry; our work is not done yet. Besides fixing the bugs which the players might encounter we are finally going to be able to work properly on the English translation so you might expect the English version sometimes during the next year. We are definitely going to let you know as soon as we are able to determine a more precise date.</blockquote>
See for more details and some interesting feedback from those lucky enough to have played it already.
In other FO2 Modding news: if you have not already checked out Jim's Mods have a look. He has devised some pretty radical overhauls of FO2.