Search results

  1. Ardent

    New FSE link request

    Darek is right that for decompiling and re-compiling scripts the sfall script editor would be better. But if you still want to get FSE for its auto-fill and hint features (useless for decompiled scipts, mind you - they have a different format), I can tell you I have been using FSE for several...
  2. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    Great news! Looks like I'll be having some time off MR mid-January :P
  3. Ardent

    Miria mod resetting hit points issue.

    Reading the other thread, there doesn't seem to be any obvious way to fix your problem. One thing that I believe wasn't mentioned and could potentially work, would be to create yet another proto file for Miria that would depict her "0 level", i.e. create another proto with the same exact...
  4. Ardent

    A mod that adds a bunch of items to Fallout 2 with RP2.1.2b.

    It all sounds reasonable, maybe with the exception of even more powerful weapons in the end tier. Personally, I think that Gauss Rifle is overpowered, and Pancor Jackhammer seemed like a pretty badass shotgun to me. Finally - a weapon that is even more powerful than the rocket launcher? Sounds...
  5. Ardent

    Pump/Lever Action Shotgun - Any Fallout 2 Mods?

    I know of no such mods. I mean, there will be a pump-action shotgun in Mutants Rising, but you'd have to wait rather long for just this weapon :P Notwithstanding, you can easily make such a mod yourself. Download Cubik's F2wedit (I think there's a copy in the NMA files section) - it's a...
  6. Ardent

    A mod that adds a bunch of items to Fallout 2 with RP2.1.2b.

    What are these weapons/drugs exactly? Where do they rank in the existing progression? Are they unique/rare/common items? Are there any quests associated with them? What have you added them for? Do they have special features that make them fit in some kind of special/interesting tactical...
  7. Ardent

    heroCritter sprite request for FO2 sFall and a side request

    Making a full set of sprites is an awful lot of work (like a couple hundred hours), and there's only a handful of guys who do that currently. Believe me when I say critter editing chewed and spat a number of people already. I doubt that you find a willing collaborator, especially when you're not...
  8. Ardent

    J.E. Sawyer on fleshing out locations and characters

    The more I read about the design of New Vegas, the more I appreciate the game. Great update and big thanks for the transcript :clap:
  9. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    It sounds as though you don't have your proto files set to read only. Open data/proto, then enter each of the folders there and select ALL files, except the .lst files, then right click on them to open properties and see if they are all set to read only. If not, set them to read only and save...
  10. Ardent

    [Collection] Inventory FRM edits

    That makes sense when it's a two-shot weapon, definitely. MR's pipe rifle is still a one-shot though. We (well, I) gave the fast reload perk to most one-shot weapons (Zip Gun etc.), except for the high level stuff like the Rocket Launcher. Also, we kinda used your reload AP global script to...
  11. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project issue

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but you should only install the RP, without any other patches, and without sfall (RP has its own version of sfall bundled), unless you really know what you're doing.
  12. Ardent

    [Collection] Inventory FRM edits

    Nice work, although I think you should go with a single stock, instead of a double one. It would look less like a copy/paste job. Totally frankly however, the Pipe Rifle art looks like some kind of placeholder, when compared with the original F1 weapon images. In MR, we beefed up the Pipe...
  13. Ardent

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Great job, Geras! I so want to see this used in MR, so please, keep up the excellent work! :clap:
  14. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    To clarify, I meant to turn off the block that prevents you from using Super Stims on critters that are at full health. In other words, leave the stimpak murders as they were originally. I'm all for sneaky murders and the Sneak + one-shot kill rarely does the job IMO, so the stim murder is...
  15. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    +1 for off by default.
  16. Ardent

    FO2 TC: Fallout of Nevada

    Yes, open the .msg files with Notepad++ (I recommend it wholeheartedly) and replace the Russian text with the translation. All you have to watch out for is the syntax of the files. The syntax is not complicated: {100}{}{You see the bartender.} As you can see, there are three sets of curly...
  17. Ardent

    PAL files for ending screens

    I've been running some tests with the endgame slideshow for MR. I noticed that in the original game, every ending screen had its own .pal file. When the file is missing, the colours are awfully distorted and the image is totally unviewable. So, to other mods' creators - do you have any idea...
  18. Ardent

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    @Mash: It seems the Hi-Res patch is generating some kind of error when displaying movies over the world map, namely, a distorted image of the world map is displayed over the movie. Timeslip reports the problem disappears when the HiRes patch is turned off. Discussion here...
  19. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Ah-ha! Naughty Mash. :P Cool.
  20. Ardent

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    I'm not an expert, so I can't really pinpoint the causes of low FPS. But I'll try to run some more number-based tests with different configurations of sfall and hires patch and let you know if I find anything worthwhile. Thank you very much! I know you've heard it a thousand times, but I'm...