A mod that adds a bunch of items to Fallout 2 with RP2.1.2b.


Learned to love the bomb
This mod is supposed to run over Fallout 2 with the Killap's Restoration Project, so before you install it, make sure you have Restoration Project 2.1.2b installed.
What this mod does is basically to add a bunch of new items to be found accross the wasteland. The new items include:
4 knifes
2 "power fists" (not exactly)
2 hand grenades
2 pistols
1 plama pistol
1 grenade launcher
1 rifle
1 shotgun
1 submachinegun
2 miniguns
1 heavy machinegun
1 sniper rifle
1 power armor
1 flamethrower
4 drugs
8 types of ammunition
Here's the link for it:
This a little "prototype" to a bigger mod I'm planning that is going to add a new storyline which is going to run parallel to the main story of Fallout 2, however, it's going to be focused into creating a narrative more similar to that of Fallout 1; that of a brutal and ruthless world that punishes all heroism. So... all feedback is welcome.
What are these weapons/drugs exactly? Where do they rank in the existing progression? Are they unique/rare/common items? Are there any quests associated with them? What have you added them for? Do they have special features that make them fit in some kind of special/interesting tactical situations? Or maybe they fix some imbalance found in the original game? Or maybe they're meant for a certain type of characters/playstyle?

I'd be interested to know these things before I download the mod :wink: Thanks.
Ardent said:
What are these weapons/drugs exactly? Where do they rank in the existing progression? Are they unique/rare/common items? Are there any quests associated with them? What have you added them for? Do they have special features that make them fit in some kind of special/interesting tactical situations? Or maybe they fix some imbalance found in the original game? Or maybe they're meant for a certain type of characters/playstyle?

I'd be interested to know these things before I download the mod :wink: Thanks.
Well, that's a lot of questions at once. :lol: Firstly: No, there are no new quests, merchants, npcs, dialogues or anything else that would require editing of scripts - at least not for now - so all of the items will be found in the game by means of scavenging containers and other places that might be interesting. I added the items to places that through it would be the most sensical and balanced for them to be (drugs are with dealers and shamans, explosives are on the military bases, powerful laser/plasma weapons are in Navarro and the Oil Rig, etc...)
And about the balance: Yes, the new items offer many new strategical possibilities. I tried mostly to buff the fields which I felt were underpowered, to fill the "tier gaps" of some weapons and to rebalance some old weapons to make them more useful (for example; I though that P90 and the 14mm ammo were very useless, so I solved the problem by turning the P90 into a true rifle with a reasonable damage and making it use the 14mm ammo). Some gameplay styles which become useless by the mid-game now have much better longevity, for example; shotguns will be useful up until the end game once you start loading them with the flechette shells - the new shotgun (which is an "end tier") can even rival the Gauss Rifle itself when loaded with optional ammo, pistols get to be more long-lived too with the new .45 and the Five-shooter, even the throwing skill won't suck so much any longer once you put your hands on the Kukri Blade or - even better - the Hellfire Grenade. And the new (and more compact) flamethrower is a good option for (very) close light assault, there's also the grenade launcher for dealing with crowds without having the need to carry 100 pounds of rockets on your backpack. Oh, and talking about rockets, I also added a "new tier" of weapons meant to wreak some havoc in the end game.
It all sounds reasonable, maybe with the exception of even more powerful weapons in the end tier. Personally, I think that Gauss Rifle is overpowered, and Pancor Jackhammer seemed like a pretty badass shotgun to me. Finally - a weapon that is even more powerful than the rocket launcher? Sounds scary. But as long as you balanced and tested it - nice work!