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  1. Ardent

    Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.

    "Ridge" is not a geographical name, it's merely a geographical term, so technically, there's nothing wrong with what I've written :P Bonespeakers sound good too to me.
  2. Ardent

    Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.

    Sorry if I misread that. I totally agree that Two Moon tribe is not a good name.
  3. Ardent

    Attn RP fans: Naming the Primitive Tribe.

    I'd vote against any geographical names. After all, the names of locations may have been long lost or unavailable, especially to a bunch of primitive tribals. Also naming them with a wacky tribal-sounding name is silly, because they are still using English. If they had developed a dialect or...
  4. Ardent

    Putting an NMA bar in Wasteland 2 (goal reached!)

    Put in 20 bucks. @Morol: You totally stole my avatar, dude.
  5. Ardent

    Hi-Res Patches for Fallout1&2 & the BIS Mapper

    Will that work for English versions too? I mean, I can't remember if that was already proposed, but it would be totally awesome if you managed to enlarge the dialogue screen window, allowing more player options to be displayed (like at least 10 for example) - it would be a great help in all...
  6. Ardent

    Fallout Restoration Project?

    It seems you'll need to fiddle with your registry files. My knowledge about this stuff is weak at best, so I'll try to get some more insight and return to you. Either some good soul helps you or just wait until I can find the relevant info.
  7. Ardent

    Scenery stuff and such...

    When shown out of context, I too prefer the Fallout palette. But if you played the demo of Olympus, you'd see that the style and palette are consistent throughout the game and that there's professional art direction going on in there. And the effects are stunning - Olympus really feels like a...
  8. Ardent

    Mutants Rising 2011 Demo Teaser and more modding news

    WHAT?! You just gave out our entire team's three-months' work!!! Are you nuts?! :lol: No, we actually managed to write three nodes of dialogue too.
  9. Ardent

    Fallout Restoration Project?

    Just delete the folder and be done with it :) Then re-install your disc copy of Fallout 2 to somewhere else than Program Files. Then use the RP installer to install the RP in your new location. Run the game. When you're in the main menu, click "OPTIONS". An extra menu should pop up...
  10. Ardent

    Underpowered Fire Weapons

    Only my personal experiments with giving the molotov cocktail fire damage and trying to create new weapons with explosive plasma damage. Interesting. Gotta check that out. I'll be back when I've made some further testing.
  11. Ardent

    Modifying FT entity class stats

    Aren't you guys talking about Tactics? If yes, then I'm afraid you're in the wrong forum :) Personally, I know nothing about modding Fallout Tactics, so I can't help. Sorry.
  12. Ardent

    Underpowered Fire Weapons

    Giving the molotov plasma damage will cause the weapon only to deal damage to the single critter it hits. In other words, the area of effect will dissapear. That's actually what the molotov does when you give it fire damage. I assume the plasma explosion and the EMP explosion of the original...
  13. Ardent

    Fallout 2 - no metal armor in Happy Harrys (vault city)

    You only have 25% chance that the metal armor will be there (unless Killap tweaked it), so just leave town for a few days and come back. Harry restocks every two weeks or so (though I may have been checking an outdated version of the script).
  14. Ardent

    Ms Punk Girl, a new playable character.

    Impressive work! :clap:
  15. Ardent

    Trader's stuff update rate

    You must edit scripts for stock boxes of individual merchants in the game. Here's code from Sajag's equipment box in Klamath (kisbox.ssl): if (local_var(LVAR_Restock_Time) < game_time) then begin check_restock_item(PID_BOTTLE_CAPS, 125, 250, 100)...
  16. Ardent

    New modder needs assistance.

    There are many aspects of Fallout modding. First and foremost, you should decide what you're interested in - if you want to tweak Fallout or Fallout 2 (that's a huge difference actually), like adding/replacing art or adding extra weapons/items, you'll need to learn other skills than if you want...
  17. Ardent

    NMA Wasteland Kickstarter Project Interview with Brian Fargo

    Great read. I'm very excited about this project - I've never played Wasteland, but I've been a long time fan of Stackpole's writing, plus what Fargo says sounds juicy. I'll be sure to put in some cash.
  18. Ardent

    Fallout 2 Restoration Project 2.1.2b (Unofficial Expansion)

    What you described is similar to what happens during one of the battle sequences in Mutants Rising. I tell the leader of the attacking critters to target a specific critter from the opposing team, and all the allies of the original attacker target his original victim. So if for instance Tyler...
  19. Ardent

    The Origins of Fallout, Part 3

    Awesome stuff - all three parts! Thank you, Scott Campbell, Deadlus and the NMA team!
  20. Ardent

    Brian Fargo considers Kickstarter for Wasteland 2

    They actually have two projects going at the moment. Find it in reply to question 4.