Brother None said:
I can't think of a ton of exceptions.
Well, The Sims is one.
And yeah yeah I know it's a simulation game too, but it has a lot of RPG aspects in it and I've successfully roleplayed in it three times and had a lot more options than I've had in other RPG's.
For example, the newer titles.
You can create your character, how he or she will look like.
But then you can also tweak the personality, likes, dislikes, ambitions and fears, and thanks to a hidden system when interacting with other Sims and because of a made up language, it will define your relations with other Sims, who your Sim will like and dislike.
It's definitely not like the other RPG's out there but Sims is a fantastic RPG series IMO, one that doesn't have (as far as I know) a shred of "combat", it has fights and duels, but no real combat.
Though that it is a moneyhungry bastard who cheaps out on content and sells it back through heavily priced expansions is a downside...
Still. Excluding that fact Sims is awesome and an exclusion to the combat-heavy RPG's that litter the market.