NMA Wasteland Kickstarter Project Interview with Brian Fargo

Great read. I'm very excited about this project - I've never played Wasteland, but I've been a long time fan of Stackpole's writing, plus what Fargo says sounds juicy. I'll be sure to put in some cash.
Dear Mr. Fargo.....

In case you happen to be reading this... I'd most enjoy:

-Old school graphics. No need for fancy visuals. I want to see repeated sprites that leave much to the imagination...

-A trip back into Finster's mind.

-Permanent saves, tough choices with potentially fatal consequences (i.e. just like the old game, force the players to be really really careful about where they step, think twice before swimming against the current in a sewer without a rope, or wonder if they reeeallly wanna mess around with the three-legged hookers. Life is hard in the Wasteland, and you shouldn't always get second chances. Games today are for babies.)

-The Citadel (or something equally fortressy and insane.)

-A Scorpitron.

-A paragraph book (probably the least likely of these, but it'd be awesome. I'd at least like to see passwords make it in.)

It's kinda funny because I always thought of Wasteland's plot as being sort of "deep". That's maybe the wrong word, but I thought it was awesome, anyway. I thought the lack of a "cohesive" plot made it more realistic in a way. Being in the sparse desert with all sorts of crazy things going on and no reliable communication system.... it'd make sense if only a few people knew what was happening (me and my fellow rangers included). I remember not really understanding but filling in a lot of the details about what was happening in my head.... and being able to imagine things like that kinda makes the experience even more unique to each player.
Are there any Jagged Alliance fans out there?

My ideal game has always been to combine the combat mechanics of Jagged Alliance 2 with the writing/role playing of Fallout. Actually, I even prefer JA2's skill systems (where skills are increased by use rather than gaining skill points each level). The point is, that was an incredibly deep and satisfying combat system which would meld beautifully with a FO-style RPG.
Yes, it's a good news, hope it will come to fruition. Thanks for posting this.

Independent George said:
Are there any Jagged Alliance fans out there?
Ah, yes one of my favorite games combat-wise, alongside with Silent Storm and its offsprings.
Meh, boring game, boring news. Not interested. Definitely won't be as good as Fallout 3.

[spoiler:7d7c4fb18e]Joking Obviously! :D Can't wait![/spoiler:7d7c4fb18e]
Brother None said:
I can't think of a ton of exceptions.

Well, The Sims is one.

And yeah yeah I know it's a simulation game too, but it has a lot of RPG aspects in it and I've successfully roleplayed in it three times and had a lot more options than I've had in other RPG's.

For example, the newer titles.
You can create your character, how he or she will look like.
But then you can also tweak the personality, likes, dislikes, ambitions and fears, and thanks to a hidden system when interacting with other Sims and because of a made up language, it will define your relations with other Sims, who your Sim will like and dislike.

It's definitely not like the other RPG's out there but Sims is a fantastic RPG series IMO, one that doesn't have (as far as I know) a shred of "combat", it has fights and duels, but no real combat.

Though that it is a moneyhungry bastard who cheaps out on content and sells it back through heavily priced expansions is a downside...
Still. Excluding that fact Sims is awesome and an exclusion to the combat-heavy RPG's that litter the market.
Re: Dear Mr. Fargo.....

mr.chicken said:
A paragraph book (probably the least likely of these, but it'd be awesome. I'd at least like to see passwords make it in.)

Yeah, it's most unlikely. After all, modern technology can support a few thousand lines of text.
I am extremely happy if there is no paragraph book. :>
This guy needs to be cloned, armed, and set loose across the industry. I hope they bring the original to IOS so I can finally play it in its entirety.
Fargo would probably have done that ages ago, but the license for releasing the original Wasteland is kind of messy, so it's abandonware.