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  1. JustAShcookius

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    My avatar is better than all of your avatars EDIT: Updated my avatar with an identical but less glitchy one cause you could see where it looped.
  2. JustAShcookius

    Got a nice new GIF Avatar. Looks good on the forums.

    Got a nice new GIF Avatar. Looks good on the forums.
  3. JustAShcookius

    Why I left Reddit for NMA (new guy)

    No, but this sounds interesting... Please, go on... Believe me I have heard it all at this point! :roll:
  4. JustAShcookius

    Why I like Fallout 2 more than Fallout 1

    I suppose fallout 2 has atmosphere going for it at least. The art and aesthetic seemed a bit more lively and fallouty. I guess interplay noticed how blah the beginning of fallout 1 was and decided to smack a totally accurate "tribal temple" to lure players into the story. I present this because...
  5. JustAShcookius

    Fallout 1 Combat UI Sound Compilation

    Fun fact: at the end of a clip you can hear a long lost interplay Dev slamming his finger on his "stop record" bind.
  6. JustAShcookius

    Fallout 1 Combat UI Sound Compilation

    Give me a little free time and a computer and who knows what will happen. I wanted some fallouty user interface noises for text messages and notifications. I could have just extracted a clip from a youtube video for my noise needs, but where is the fun in that! So I created a 7zip archive full...
  7. JustAShcookius

    Project Van Buren

    Hey there! I have been observing the progress of your project for months. I wish to extend my thanks and hope that this will be the most successful fan-made game ever! In my free time I have been making doodles of hypothetical user interface concept art for Van Buren. As you can tell I am a...
  8. JustAShcookius

    Petition for a port of the fallout screensaver

    This looks promising. Thank you!
  9. JustAShcookius

    Petition for a port of the fallout screensaver

    As above, I would like a high resolution port of this screensaver to a live wallpaper format compatible with android phones. Although a project like this to the best of my knowledge does not exist, someone with far more knowledge of android and apk packaging than me could possibly complete it...
  10. JustAShcookius

    Do Ghosts belong in Fallout?

    This is unfortunately the case with 2. Iv'e always had huge criticisms with the retarded "jokes" and shit.
  11. JustAShcookius

    "The sun sets over the City of Lost Angels"

    As you can tell I suck at actually sketching. I'm just good at using computer art programs and film makers.
  12. JustAShcookius

    Movie theme songs?

    My three cents
  13. JustAShcookius

    Do Ghosts belong in Fallout?

    Glad someone actually gets it LOL
  14. JustAShcookius

    Do Ghosts belong in Fallout?

    Thats what I thought. The Jet makes you jittery I guess. Lmao I just remembered jet wasnt invented yet LOL:drummer:
  15. JustAShcookius

    Do Ghosts belong in Fallout?

    Agreed, not mysterious enough. Brzzzt... TACTICAL ASSESSMENT. NEED MORE GHOST. Brzzzt...
  16. JustAShcookius

    Do Ghosts belong in Fallout?

    Alright, good explanation. Sorry I just kinda tend to conflate the Tunnelers and Zetans as one big clusterfuck of a mistake of game writing. I understand that Wannamingos are not even aliens but just a failed (not really) experiment. The actual aliens (zetans) were a Bethesda invention no? I...
  17. JustAShcookius

    Do Ghosts belong in Fallout?

    I am aware of this, however their existance upset their creators so much that Time Cain literally imagined them out of the world. And I am glad. Aliens, talking deathclaws and talking raccoons should not exist in fallout.