Where'd That 6th Toe Come From?

What would you guys like to see in any future installments of the Fallout series? Basically, what is your wishlist for future game’s, be it settings, factions, creatures, characters, companions, weapons, mechanics, or etc?
Also, to keep this thread from becoming an argument over developers, please try and keep Game studio arguments to a minimum. Anyway, here’s what I want to see in future Fallout games; I cant wait to see what you guys suggest!
-Setting: I’ve been thinking of good future settings, and the ones I’d like to see most are either the Colorado/Arizona/Utah/NM area, the Northwest of Montana and Wyoming, or New Orleans. Maybe Texas as well.
-Creatures: I’d like to see the talking Deathclaws return, even if in a very limited capacity. Maybe Goris or Xarn leading a small pack, with their children acting as possible companions.
-More intelligent super mutants, on the level of Marcus or Neil or Tabitha’s level of intelligence. As well, I’d like to have more intelligent ghouls, and perhaps a ghoul settlement, like Necropolis or the Underworld.
-Some new creatures, based on the local environment would be nice.
-Factions: I’d like to see post-apocalyptic religion explored more, but in a larger-scale.
-Less BoS and Enclave.
-Weapons: I’d like to see some more weapons, especially for underrepresented skills like Melee or Unarmed. Make some midgame unarmed stuff, and some lategame melee weapon (Proton Ax!)
-Companions: Fallout 2’s companion system (CH divided in half rounded down equals amount of companions), IMO was the best, as it allowed Charisma to be useful in-game, and let high charisma gifted builds be useful.
-As for types of companions, I’ve been toying around with a dwarf companions (ps. bring dwarves back) that’s also a handyman and can fix your stuff, maybe he’s even a mechanic who can fix you up a vehicle, which brings me to my final thing.
-Vehicles, vehicles, vehicles! I want some type of mutated multi-legged horse, a Jeep, a highwayman, every vehicle type under the sun.
Also, to keep this thread from becoming an argument over developers, please try and keep Game studio arguments to a minimum. Anyway, here’s what I want to see in future Fallout games; I cant wait to see what you guys suggest!
-Setting: I’ve been thinking of good future settings, and the ones I’d like to see most are either the Colorado/Arizona/Utah/NM area, the Northwest of Montana and Wyoming, or New Orleans. Maybe Texas as well.
-Creatures: I’d like to see the talking Deathclaws return, even if in a very limited capacity. Maybe Goris or Xarn leading a small pack, with their children acting as possible companions.
-More intelligent super mutants, on the level of Marcus or Neil or Tabitha’s level of intelligence. As well, I’d like to have more intelligent ghouls, and perhaps a ghoul settlement, like Necropolis or the Underworld.
-Some new creatures, based on the local environment would be nice.
-Factions: I’d like to see post-apocalyptic religion explored more, but in a larger-scale.
-Less BoS and Enclave.
-Weapons: I’d like to see some more weapons, especially for underrepresented skills like Melee or Unarmed. Make some midgame unarmed stuff, and some lategame melee weapon (Proton Ax!)
-Companions: Fallout 2’s companion system (CH divided in half rounded down equals amount of companions), IMO was the best, as it allowed Charisma to be useful in-game, and let high charisma gifted builds be useful.
-As for types of companions, I’ve been toying around with a dwarf companions (ps. bring dwarves back) that’s also a handyman and can fix your stuff, maybe he’s even a mechanic who can fix you up a vehicle, which brings me to my final thing.
-Vehicles, vehicles, vehicles! I want some type of mutated multi-legged horse, a Jeep, a highwayman, every vehicle type under the sun.