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  1. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    There's no excusing going on here really, lots of satire though. Away from here, I haven't even seen many attempts at excusing. Just straight of defense. Things like how Bethesda cramming a meaningless satellite in 'improves' the lore by 'giving the BOS more to do than just sitting on their...
  2. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    Cait: (reconsiders, directs it towards the madman)
  3. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    If they didn't look so much alike, I'd be inclined to agree. If like the Flatwoods monster was, say, a giant mutated owl and just bore a resemblance to the original myth, that'd make sense, and that may be the case with the Wendigo since there are multiple descriptions of those, but there's a...
  4. Rheios

    InXile joinins the Microsoft family

    A little part of me, a part that I'm suffocating as we speak, hopes that the inExile and Obsidian elements can be brought together, and even Avellone maybe - through Microsoft, to make something beautiful again. Rebuilding the Black Isles. And honestly, I hate how every time in these sorts of...
  5. Rheios

    Diablo Immortal - Very funny.

    Oh, don't worry, they've also announced that *all* their IPs will be getting mobile games and they've been transferring their major devs from their key projects to work on 'more projects than we've ever had going on at one time before'. Including 'occasionally outsourcing to 3rd parties to work...
  6. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    I was already disappointed with the way they handled cryptids the moment I saw the iconic Flatwoods monster was their best attempt of cloning the sketch of it, making it a zetan, and getting its colors entirely wrong. Then they just made it, basically, an enemy with a laser pistol and a bunch of...
  7. Rheios

    I'd have liked to see how that might have evolved. Tibbet's prison was in Arizona, I believe, so...

    I'd have liked to see how that might have evolved. Tibbet's prison was in Arizona, I believe, so you're having fun times in legion territory. How the interactions between the Legion town heads nearby, and the warden could be interesting. Some people may even *want* to release Limit 115 prisoners...
  8. Rheios

    Conservative or Liberal

    So far as the Conservative-Liberal scale I'd say I'm conservative, although perhaps moderately so compared to some of my ardent relatives. So far as the Libertarian-Authoritarian scale goes, I'm Libertarian 99% of the time but if given immense power over others I'd probably end up Authoritarian...
  9. Rheios

    The Brotherhood of Steel as a threat to an Independent Vegas

    I briefly used the mod to restore the peaceful Mr. House way of dealing with the BOS, but even I could see why they cut it. The argument is pretty bad in it. I can think of a better one but I imagine it'd take some *major* BOS faction rep, the right leader in charge, and a high set of skills to...
  10. Rheios

    As I live out here it'd definitely be interesting to head that way. Especially since you could...

    As I live out here it'd definitely be interesting to head that way. Especially since you could probably use Rachel and some of the abandoned ghost towns in the area to good effect.
  11. Rheios

    Gun Control

    End of the day, its the fundamental question: Do you favor Freedom or Security more? They are both innately dangerous taken to their conclusions. Freedom leaves responsibility for dealing with things - even bad luck - purely upon your own shoulders at its natural conclusion, allows you anything...
  12. Rheios

    Just saw your Area 51 idea in the 'What Fallout was supposed to be' thread. If you ever get a...

    Just saw your Area 51 idea in the 'What Fallout was supposed to be' thread. If you ever get a year spanning wild hair and make that mod be sure to let us know. It sounds excellent, and frankly anything to explain some of the Wild Wasteland-style inclusions, before and after the Wild Wasteland...
  13. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    @TheHouseAlwaysWins : What are you talking about now? Who mentioned jewish folk? Oh. Ugh. @Kommie, apparently there's something with layered parenthesis - the (( )) , not sure if I got enough in there - that crazy folk are using to imply some crazy "zionist" conspiracy/illuminati power ripple...
  14. Rheios

    Fallout 76 - My Impressions

    An aside: Should you have put that post as part of your prior edit? Anyway, the code thing sounds about right when so many people are just calling it a mod. I'm still not *absolutely* sure its completely accurate but at this point, close enough. The PERK card having more level and the SPECIAL...
  15. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    That Egri guy in the first one seems pretty cool, just by virtue of how nice he was being about 'still trying to figure out reddit'. Plus that exploit he found is just gold. Literally gold to be mined. (Which is also probably what the area should be using for currency instead of caps, if Beth...
  16. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    I think it's the new blood. They kept widening their audience, a little wider and a little simpler, a piece at a time. Fallout already sortof had the problem with Tactics and maybe BOS (I don't actually believe anyone liked it enough to get included in the community) which brought in people who...
  17. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    Damnit, that should be Gonzalez. Ah heck, maybe its funnier if I don't make any sense. Sorry about that.
  18. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    Oof. I apologize for my joke earlier then. I misunderstood and thought they were still active members who were trying the game. Not birthing drama. (Not accusing you of anything Squadcar...Yet! *dramatic chipmunk*)
  19. Rheios

    50 Minutes of 76

    Credit it where its due, they could just be plumbing the toilet so that we don't have to. If that's the case I hope they hop shit-ship soon though.
  20. Rheios

    Do You Believe a Facebook Post Can Inspire Change? Me Neither

    I mean he's pretty openly said that even his own fan's opinions don't matter. It'd almost be understandable if the critiques weren't literal calls to make a half fucking decent rpg. The thing they love to bullshit...