Vault Dweller

Okay, this is pretty interesting at least. So you could pick up something completely at random that gives major benefits, that comes with a serious trade-off and a considerable rad-count (no one ever calls it Grays or Sieverts... although Fallout: Nevada uses the legacy term Roentgen... there's that I suppose). That's interesting either way.
I am also curious as to how the story plays out for "single-players" (quotation marks intended). Or even how the story remains relevant at all. Although that'll be something that probably won't really be realised until the final release, as is customary.
It's kinda a moot point in my case. Wifey and I have already decided we'll probably sit this one out (bear in mind that we completed BOS on playstation in co-op, so... we don't scare easy). It just doesn't seem my kind of game, by any stretch.
Thanks for sharing anyway. It's been interesting.
No problem.
In terms of the story, it looks like what might end up happening is, at the end of the main quest, you launch the leftover nukes to try and kill the Scorch Beasts, but nothing really happens in turn outside of torching one area for about 24 hours of server time. I'd imagine it won't be balanced for players going solo, though I'll be damned if I play this game beyond the release date for casual reasons, much less with anyone outside of the few on this site who want to play this thing.
HITMAN 2's going to be taking up my time this month anyway.