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  1. J

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Yeah ... Like I said: super slam = OP. doing that on very hard without SS - now that would be impressive....
  2. J

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Man that guy must have had cramp in his mouse finger after that! Pretty funny though. But yeah, super slam and stay back are very OP IMO. I can't imagine what obsidian were thinking when they came up with those two perks.
  3. J

    Manti - Scourge of the Wasteland

    Good stuff man. This made me chuckle.
  4. J

    Jim's Mods Version 1.48 (Now Compatible with RP & UP)

    I've said it before but damn I want to say it again: I really like your thinking Jim! You must have substantial scripting experience to pull this stuff off ...
  5. J

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Well it's a matter of taste for sure but i like my enemies to pose a challenge, rather than aimlessly milling around while i plink them to death with a laser rifle.
  6. J

    Deathclaw hunting tips

    Here's my Deathclaw hunting tips: First, i play on Very Hard jesawyer which means Deathclaws kill me in 1 hit more or less regardless, and i do 50% damage which is, well, bad news for me as it makes sneak kills difficult to say the least. I also use Project Nevada advanced detection which...
  7. J

    Lonesome road worst DLC?

    Guys guys you are giving a lot of credit to something that, if what I'm told is true, obsidian whipped up in a mere month. I found the LR enemies very unbalanced, though often fun to fight. I went in at lvl 26 or so and found the marked men way too easy and death laws and tunnelers a...
  8. J

    Lonesome road worst DLC?

    Hmm. Well, if i ever play through LR again (which doesn't seem too likely tbh) it sounds like i need to pay more time and attention to Ulysees. The thing is - in OWB i really enjoyed his logs and thought 'damn, i can't wait to meet this guy'. They seemed to fit in somehow so much better in...
  9. J

    Lonesome road worst DLC?

    Yes, i think i agree with the F3 - although i've never played actually played F3!. From what i've read it essentially sounds like F3 is aimed at 'kids' and Vegas aimed at 'young adults' as a broad generalisation. As Atomkilla says - something like the ludicrous 'nuclear warheads detonating...
  10. J

    Lonesome road worst DLC?

    SO i just finished Lonesome Road and boy, what a relief. I liked the high road and the, rightly famous 'deathclaw dropping on the bus roof', but my god, the writing! Did anyone else find the writing total crap? I got totally sick of Ulysees inane ramblings after only the 2nd recording! I...
  11. J

    New animations 2

    Yup that's right for me.
  12. J

    New animations 2

    No plans to make it a standalone mod sorry. As Lexx says, it's included in the RP so i'd recommend playing it that way.
  13. J

    Your Favorite Companions

    Yeah i have to agree. Now i only take the robot companions as the human ones are all too tough (except maybe Cass)
  14. J

    Mutated animals and insects too annoying.

    Hmm. Well, maybe my companions are so badly poisoned the poison doesn't wear off before they die.... But nevertheless, I find that after 100% of cazador fights if my companion has been poisoned their health will drop until they die.
  15. J

    New animations 2

    Great graphical work there Ursa. :ok: I have to agree with the dubious-ness of the concept but, nevertheless, great art.
  16. J

    Mutated animals and insects too annoying.

    Yeah - me too. I read that in one of the recent patches they fixed the bug where companions will always die from cazador poison. But i have the latest and they still die.
  17. J

    Supply and Demand Mod (Download Added)

    I love the Keeng Rat idea. Freindly rats pouring out of the sewers to aid the player in a fight after completing a quest for the Keeng. Really nice. :ok: I agree also very much with the bite-sized mods. I've been working on and off on a mod that would/could share the mechanics for your...
  18. J

    Replaying Honest Hearts

    I'm replaying HH now and there's 3 things i notice right away: 1) the caravan getting slaughtered at the very beginning is weak and badly done IMO. It's just not convincing. There isn't even really a caravan for christ sake! Just the characters all standing around. It's not even a fight...
  19. J

    Plasma or Laser

    I've been getting into laser recently - the RCW is a fabulous weapon. However, the upgrade mods for the plasma pistol are sweeeeeet! fully modded the plasma pistol makes the early game a breeze - IF you can get them.