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  1. Surf Solar

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    I don't see a "gorilla" with a banana up his ass on this picture. Also what Suaside said. If you don't like the clans and bloodlines in this game, then perhaps it is not for you. :roll:
  2. Surf Solar

    V:TM - Bloodlines

    Very hard pressing issues, those character models.
  3. Surf Solar

    Fallout 4 trademark was a fake

    Good. Let them develop their TES stuff and let fallout rest in peace.
  4. Surf Solar

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    Are you serious? :lol: He is talking about the amount of finetuning, looking into details, putting rough stuff together. "polishing". You may want to consult a vocabulary?
  5. Surf Solar

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    I would only care about obscuring more screen estate if this game would be a fast paced real time game. Since it's not, I would much prefer a single block of UI like it was done good in the old days.
  6. Surf Solar likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    So many Fallout 3 apologists. :)
  7. Surf Solar

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    Why not just make it in a very very big resolution and then simply scale it down for the normal resolutions? That's how it will be in P:E. Besides, you can also always do it like Diablo 2 when they patched new resolutions in and add some extra ornaments etc. Beats every of these modern free...
  8. Surf Solar

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    Totally agree, as said, it looks like a clusterfuck and a MMO interface. ;) A user on the rpg codex made some mockup which looks better than this, and he made it in his free time. ;P
  9. Surf Solar

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    Why would you want to change the perspective or rotate it around in the first place? Pretty much every top down 3d game is rather played like a camera simulator than the actual game.
  10. Surf Solar

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    As long as there is an option to turn off the bloom and this blur stuff in W2 I'm fine with it. :P
  11. Surf Solar

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    The only thing directly rendered in realtime on Project Eternity are the character models and the graphic effects, particle effects etc. The rest are very high poly (which you couldn't display with that polycount if directly rendered) prerendered backgrounds that are also heavily touched up and...
  12. Surf Solar

    Are Scandinavian Women Gorgeous because of Vikings?

    Meh I don't like the blonde scandinavian type. Blonde in general. There, I refuted the op by disagreeing!!11
  13. Surf Solar

    Age of Decadence - the real crpg in the spirit of Fallout 2

    So you hate on the games story not shoving everything in your face in the first two minutes? Ok then...
  14. Surf Solar

    my Fallout theme fan arts

    Awesome as always! Really dig your style man.
  15. Surf Solar

    Battlefield 4

    Never had that happen ingame. And I played 90 hours already.
  16. Surf Solar

    Wasteland 2 new screenshot

    that's some nice MMO User interface. "Raider said: Raider No No No!" Quality writing!
  17. Surf Solar

    An NMA VoIP server?

    Mumble or Teamspeak are the most popular choices. Check them out. ;)
  18. Surf Solar


    Are you using Misery 1.0 or 2.0 ? Don't use the latter, it introduced some ridicolous bugs and game mechanics. Use 1.0 with the patch for it available and it is a nice experience.
  19. Surf Solar

    Turn-based multiplayer game reccomendations?

    Jagged Alliance 2 with the 1.13 patch for turnbased multiplayer heaven. ;)