Turn-based multiplayer game reccomendations?


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I've been gaming with some friends online and we've been looking for good turn-based mulitplayer games. So far we have Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic and Heroes V: Tribes of the East. I've been toying with the idea of playing Fallout: Tactics but I'd really like some more good options. Any recommendations or suggestions of games to avoid?
if you do do fo:t i recommend looking up some rulesets and using those. i quite liked the ww2 and counterstrike rules.

it can be pretty fun once you find a ruleset you like.
Heroes of might and magic is never wrong for any kind of turn based games :) I think the third one would be the best even if i haven't tried the newest one/ones?
UncannyGarlic said:
I've been gaming with some friends online and we've been looking for good turn-based mulitplayer games. So far we have Age of Wonders: Shadow Magic and Heroes V: Tribes of the East. I've been toying with the idea of playing Fallout: Tactics but I'd really like some more good options. Any recommendations or suggestions of games to avoid?
Well... You could try Disciples 2 ~a favorite of mine, but it might be an acquired taste. The gameplay has multiplayer, and at least four armies to pick from. The turns constitute a day in the life; where the player can move as many party of heroes as they have ~within the hero's reach. Actions are group to group combat, shopping, and taking of cities (or taking them back). Thieves (units) have some interesting nasty tricks to play on the enemy's units and towns; but are easy prey on the world map. The PLayer plays the king [ruler] of their nation, and a spellcaster that can help out their units in the field; or also they can have wizards that can help out with scrolls cast ~similar effect.

Very fun game IMO.

I've played several multiplayer games of Civ V, and found it very enjoyable and mostly stable lol. It's truly turnbased, but obviously a strategy game, although you do have various victory conditions so it's like you are "role playing" an entire nation, going for culture, conquest or tech wins, with the ability to feign one strategy and actually be following another.

If you didn't like Civ V 1p, you won't like it multi though.
X-Com is a lot of fun in multiplayer. Short eventful matches with a lot of room for different tactics and squad builds. But it's limited to two players at a time, maybe not ideal for a lan party. Unless you do like a mini tournament, which could be fun.
well-known stranger said:
if you do do fo:t i recommend looking up some rulesets and using those. i quite liked the ww2 and counterstrike rules.
Are the rulesets mods or purely roleplay?

Gizmojunk said:
Well... You could try Disciples 2 ~a favorite of mine, but it might be an acquired taste. The gameplay has multiplayer, and at least four armies to pick from. The turns constitute a day in the life; where the player can move as many party of heroes as they have ~within the hero's reach. Actions are group to group combat, shopping, and taking of cities (or taking them back). Thieves (units) have some interesting nasty tricks to play on the enemy's units and towns; but are easy prey on the world map. The PLayer plays the king [ruler] of their nation, and a spellcaster that can help out their units in the field; or also they can have wizards that can help out with scrolls cast ~similar effect.
I remember giving the base game a shot a few years ago in single player and not being overly impressed with it but it definitely popped into my mind. Maybe I'll give it another shot, it's right up the my friends alley in terms of style and gameplay and multiplayer is a different experience. Have you tried Disciples 3 at all? I'm curious how it compares.

I'm also glad to see that your still around too.

yarga said:
I've played several multiplayer games of Civ V, and found it very enjoyable and mostly stable lol. It's truly turnbased, but obviously a strategy game, although you do have various victory conditions so it's like you are "role playing" an entire nation, going for culture, conquest or tech wins, with the ability to feign one strategy and actually be following another.
I do like Civ V but it takes so long to play a game. We don't mind completing a campaign over time but for one night a week, a game of Civ V could last 6 months or longer... Still, it is worth considering.

aenemic said:
X-Com is a lot of fun in multiplayer. Short eventful matches with a lot of room for different tactics and squad builds. But it's limited to two players at a time, maybe not ideal for a lan party. Unless you do like a mini tournament, which could be fun.
It needs to be at least three player, I should have been clear about that. I'm not looking at LAN parties, just weekly gaming sessions.

Thanks for all of the ideas! I'll keep the thread posted as to what we go with and our experience with it.
In that case, you might just check and see whether some of your fave board games are online supported, I know Catan, Carcassone, Dominion and Agricola have online options, I bet alot of those games have em.
The Battle for Wesnoth:
Don't expect any original story or top-notch writing, though. The game is riddled with a lots of classic cliche, mostly inspired by Tolkien's work of art. On the other hand, it has neaty 2D graphics, well developed combat system with unit upgrades, different types of terrain affecting your army, day/night cycle affecting your troops' morale and so on.