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  1. Surf Solar

    Post a Screenshot

    Made some BF4 shots while testing out settings and thought why not revive the thread with them. [spoiler:ee8319ec6c] [/spoiler:ee8319ec6c]
  2. Surf Solar likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    How can anyone NOT like 4too's posts? :) Guy's a legend.
  3. Surf Solar

    Whats in it for you?

    Depends all on the type of game. In some games I marvel at the atmosphere, visuals or soundsystem that let me feel like I am part of that world (particulary in 2d Isometric games, the Infinity engine games), even better with a good story topped on it (PS:T). I also enjoy working together in...
  4. Surf Solar

    Bethesda files for European Fallout 4 trademark

    You have been registred here since 2011 already, plenty of time to read the many topics regarding the very same discussion regarding the quality of gameplay in Bethesdas games.
  5. Surf Solar

    Bethesda files for European Fallout 4 trademark

    The game can have the best writing imaginable, it would still suck if it has crappy gameplay, which coincidentally all Bethesda games do posess.
  6. Surf Solar

    Bethesda files for European Fallout 4 trademark

    The writing is one of the least problems we have to worry about this "Fallout" game.
  7. Surf Solar likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    Why is this such a big deal here? :S That "Fallout" 4 will come is in no doubt. It will be a game designed by Bethesda. Why do people care?
  8. Surf Solar

    What does "War Never Changes" mean to you?

    Why don't you go to one of the numerous glorious wars still raging at the moment for dat "cleansing" you speak about, if it is so noble?
  9. Surf Solar likely isn't a Fallout 4 teaser website

    NMA seems to care about this new "Fallout" game it seems. :P
  10. Surf Solar

    The state of videogames

    I would consider myself to be a pretty cynical or jaded fellow, but boy you sound much much worse than me in the op. :P I still enjoy new videogames and have no problem where videogames are going.
  11. Surf Solar

    Battlefield 4

    You complain.... about the logo? :/ The actual game changes and tons of new stuff are enough for me to warrant it as a new title.
  12. Surf Solar

    What's your opinion on Tactics?

    It's an ok game, though it both fails as a JA2 clone or interesting turnbased game and as Fallout title since it doesn't capture the spirit. Also overkill of silly new real life or retarded guns was too much for me.
  13. Surf Solar

    Battlefield 4

    I came here to talk about the game and this discussion is up again? -.- Anyway, the game is nice, reminds much more of BF2 again which is a good thing. Movement is slower and it is in general much more team oriented again. Graphics are amazing, so is the sound. It has some problems though...
  14. Surf Solar

    After Reset - classic post-apocalyptic role-playing game

    I wish the game would use the parallel projection used in the concept artworks. :(
  15. Surf Solar

    Dragon Age: Inquisition

    Those discussions are fruitless anyway, I've had similar ones with musician-police guys who claimed that as long as you don't master your instrument 100% then you are not able to create "art". Everyone has a different definition of the word, the end.
  16. Surf Solar


    My post wasn't meant to attack you, I just find it very difficult to follow your train of thought