Bethesda files for European Fallout 4 trademark


As The Vault reports, Bethesda has filed for Fallout 4 trademarks with the European Office for the Harmonization of the Internal Market. The filing shares Nice classes 9 and 41 with the filing for Fallout: New Vegas, which was made about four months before the teaser trailer was published.

Is this the same situation? Or is it just a gaming company covering its intellectual property hide? Mysteries.

Mysteries everywhere.

Link: Bethesda registers European trademark on The Vault.
what ever if it's a hoax or not, we probably will find it out once the counter reached zero.

But so far, I tend to believe that its real. I am not sure why someone would do all that sort of stuff and hint to Fallout just to create a "fake".

From a marketing standpoint its awesome though, now I am not so much in to it like some others, but it gets people hooked and interested it seems.
not sure if want...

but I'm curious to see what they do with it. And if it will have better writing this time. And maybe their Karma system won't be effed up either. So many things need fixing from FO3 it's ridiculous.

Oh well. Time will tell.
I think its fair to assume that Skyrim will be the standart here, at least as far as the writting, quests etc. go. I mean F3 was pretty close to Oblivion as well.
Crni Vuk said:
I think its fair to assume that Skyrim will be the standart here, at least as far as the writting, quests etc. go. I mean F3 was pretty close to Oblivion as well.

That doesn't sound encouraging. :p
What? Did you expect a sudden increase in quality?

One of the guys who most likely works on FO4 thinks decapitating old people and talking to their heads is black humor.
The Dutch Ghost said:
What? Did you expect a sudden increase in quality?

One of the guys who most likely works on FO4 thinks decapitating old people and talking to their heads is black humor.

Is that person different from the people who thought that exploding a Nuke in the middle of a populated town for no good reason whatsoever was funny too?
FearMonkey said:
Is that person different from the people who thought that exploding a Nuke in the middle of a populated town for no good reason whatsoever was funny too?

Sadly I think it was the same person who came up with that idea as well as the reasoning I just brought up.

I really really wish, Bethesda got their writers from outside the developers team.
The Dutch Ghost said:
FearMonkey said:
Is that person different from the people who thought that exploding a Nuke in the middle of a populated town for no good reason whatsoever was funny too?

Sadly I think it was the same person who came up with that idea as well as the reasoning I just brought up.

I really really wish, Bethesda got their writers from outside the developers team.

Like Obsidian, for instance.
The Dutch Ghost said:
What? Did you expect a sudden increase in quality?

One of the guys who most likely works on FO4 thinks decapitating old people and talking to their heads is black humor.
that was pete hines, I think, but I am not sure anymore. What I know is that its about the Dark Brotherhood quest in Oblivion, which for some reason a lot of people say "its cool!"

But for Todd Howard Oblivion was a very dark game because it had Demons and shit.
The game can have the best writing imaginable, it would still suck if it has crappy gameplay, which coincidentally all Bethesda games do posess.
Surf Solar said:
The game can have the best writing imaginable, it would still suck if it has crappy gameplay, which coincidentally all Bethesda games do posess.

Well, if it's a given that all Bethesda games possess crappy gameplay, then having good writing is all that matters at that point. :p
but he is somewhat right. Bad gameplay can spoil your experience just as much like crap writting.
Surf Solar said:
The game can have the best writing imaginable, it would still suck if it has crappy gameplay, which coincidentally all Bethesda games do posess.
So everything must be isometric and turn based?, man, I know you must stand in your beth hating role, but Skyrim's gameplay is far from bad.
it's not a matter of isometric or turnbased.

what beth showed at fo3 and skyrim is just shitty single MMO rpg. player is just slave of tasks. only combat is free but there are certain build that is too shitty to play thank for idiotic level scailing. and combat itself is mediocre fun. what player do is do what ever npc said like slave and just read or listen to shitty story.

Daggerfall looks same but DF was more closer to world simulator than single MMORPG like fo3 and skyrim. at least there was no quest marker but time limits and failure the quest.
I think woo1108 is a bit troubled. Sir, first off, how do you figure FO3 was an MMORPG? It was single player! Based on your atrocious grammar and spelling I'm assuming you aren't a native English speaker, so I'll leave that one out of it. Secondly, from what I can gather, your main gripe with FO3 is that you just do what NPCs tell your PC to do. That seems strange to me, seeing as though you are told to do things in every FO game. Thirdly, you complain about combat not being easy for certain builds with their leveling system. That makes complete sense, because that's how it's supposed to work. For a fourth point, you claim a shitty story... which I wholeheartedly disagree with. I prefer the original FO games for stories, but FO3's story was far from bad. Your obvious hatred for Bethesda's FO (and I don't even like TES series really) leads me to the conclusion that you're just a bitter nostalgiafag.